10 Commandments Of Nutrition Against Stress And Fatigue

We get tired for various reasons. For one thing, of course, lack of sleep causes fatigue. On the other hand, there is often a malnutrition or malnutrition behind it.

10 commandments of nutrition against stress and fatigue

Sure, everyone has stress at times and suffers from fatigue. But why are there people who sleep just as long and have just as much stress on their ears, but are fitter than you? Probably because you know – consciously or unconsciously – the 10 commandments of nutrition against stress and fatigue.

Get to know them too and feel fitter and more alert!

Woman suffers from stress and fatigue

Stress and fatigue

We get tired for various reasons. For one thing, of course, lack of sleep causes fatigue. On the other hand, there is often a malnutrition or malnutrition behind it.

When the body is lacking certain vitamins and minerals, fatigue is a symptom of this. If in doubt, have your doctor examine you for mineral deficiencies (e.g. iron / ferritin)!

Eating the wrong thing can also make you tired. You probably know that: After a good meal comes the “feeding anesthesia”. You are dog tired and long for your bed to take an extended digestive sleep.

unhealthy diet

Avoid fat

Fat is difficult to digest and therefore leads to fatigue. Because a lot of blood is needed in the digestive tract for digestion. You then lack the blood for optimal oxygen supply in the brain and you become tired and sluggish.

It is completely irrelevant what type of fat it was, whether animal or vegetable fats, digestion is the same.

Basically, you should make sure to eat as little fat as possible anyway. And if you eat fat, it should be a good vegetable oil.

drinking water

Drink enough

If you don’t drink enough, your blood doesn’t exactly flow. Those who drink enough keep their blood flowing nicely. Thus the brain (and all other body cells) is optimally supplied with what it needs.

This is primarily oxygen to help you stay awake. Drinking enough calorie-free drinks effectively prevents fatigue!

If you think about this with meals, you will find that after an easy to digest meal with a large, calorie-free drink, you are fresher and more alert than usual.

vegetables and fruit

Prefer plant-based food

Plant-based foods such as fruits and vegetables are usually digested faster and better than meat. Meat takes a long time for the body to break it down into all its components and digest it completely.

This causes fatigue because it takes your body to do a lot of work. A vegetable stew, a vegetable soup, a fresh salad or a dairy dish are easy to digest and therefore less of a burden.

whole grain products

Choose whole grain products

If your meal was high in simple carbohydrates (white flour, sugar, sweets), such as white bread with jam, croissants with chocolate spread, or buttered toast with honey, this leads to a rapid rise in blood sugar levels.

After that, the blood sugar level drops rapidly again. That can make you tired. And not only tired but also hungry for snacks and snacks!

So make sure that you don’t eat simple carbohydrates, but rather use whole grain products. They make your blood sugar level rise gently and slowly fall again.

Pay attention to magnesium


Magnesium acts on the synapses of nerve cells in a similar way to other prescription antidepressants.

In many cases it is even recommended by doctors as supportive treatment for depressive moods. Even those who suffer from stress and fatigue have an increased need for magnesium.

Foods with a high magnesium content are, for example: Whole grain products, mineral water, especially medicinal water (label comparison is always worthwhile!), Tap water with sufficient water hardness, liver, poultry, fish, cocoa, nuts, potatoes, spinach, kohlrabi, berries, citrus fruits, legumes, bananas, Sesame, milk and dairy products.

Eat complex carbohydrates

complex carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates are all starch products. From these complex carbohydrates, your body can produce the happiness hormone serotonin itself.

So always provide your body with enough “serotonin building blocks” so that it can protect you from stress and fatigue!


Eat foods rich in iron

Iron is an important component of the red blood cells in our blood and is responsible, among other things, for oxygen transport and metabolism.

With a constant desire to lose a little weight, many women often have an insufficiently balanced diet and therefore often do not achieve the recommended daily amount.

In addition, they lose iron with the blood during menstruation and childbirth. If there is a lack of iron, the blood oxygen can no longer be transported optimally and you become tired and limp.

Walk (copy)

Take a digestive walk

A walk in the fresh air pumps your lungs full of oxygen, the movement stimulates the circulation and ensures that the oxygen from your lungs also reaches the brain.

A brisk walk after dinner prepares you for the next tasks at work. The name “digestive walk” is no coincidence …

eat slowly

Eat only 3 times a day

In general, your body pumps blood into your digestive tract in order to optimally digest what you have just eaten. You then run out of blood in your head and you get tired.

If the insulin / blood sugar level drops again after the snack between meals, it can also make you tired. If you only eat balanced meals 3 times a day, you will avoid fatigue between main meals.


To cook yourself!

If your diet consists mainly of ready meals, fast food and processed foods and fresh fruits and vegetables are rarely found in your menu, then tiredness can also indicate a vitamin and / or mineral deficiency.

Have your blood checked by a doctor and make sure you eat a balanced diet and ban fast food, ready meals and the like from the menu!

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