10 Foods That Make You Happy

Fish, pineapples, nuts, chocolate and other foods put you in a good mood. They stimulate physical and emotional well-being. 

10 foods that make you happy

Serotonin, which is also known as the happiness hormone, and endorphin, which counteracts stress and ensures well-being, ensure joy and well-being. These endogenous substances also regulate sleep and stress. Today we introduce you to various foods that make you happy because they promote the production of these substances.

The precursor tryptophan, an amino acid found in various foods, is essential for the production of serotonin. Carbohydrates are also of great importance in transporting tryptophan to the brain and producing well-being.

Read on to learn more about foods that make you happy  and cheer you up. 

Food that makes you happy

1. Fish

Fish and other foods that make you happy

A study by the University of Pittsburg shows that people who consume little omega-3 fatty acids have  an increased risk of depression and a bad mood. 

Omega 3 cannot be produced by the body itself and must therefore be taken in through food. Oily fish is an excellent source and should therefore not be missing from your diet. 

You can use it to prevent depression and sleep disorders.

2. Cherries

Cherries activate serotonin production and also promote the formation of endorphins, dopamine and norepinephrine. This can reduce irritability and improve the quality of sleep. These delicious fruits also improve the tolerance level for pain.

3. Nuts

Nuts and other foods that make you happy

Nuts should not be missing from the list of foods that make you happy.

Low selenium levels can lead to irritability, insomnia, and depression. For this reason, nuts are recommended to improve the mood, as these dried fruits are characterized by a lot of selenium.

4. Foods rich in vitamin B12

B vitamins in general are of great use in improving the state of mind. Vitamin B12 in particular has very important tasks: 

  • It provides more energy
  • reduces tiredness and exhaustion,
  • regulates the nervous system,
  • improves the energy balance as well as the emotional and mental state  and
  • stimulates mental balance.

The following foods are rich in vitamin B12 and also contain  zinc, iron and copper, which are also very important for a good mood: 

  • Mussels and oysters,
  • Beef,
  • Liver,
  • Cheese and
  • Egg.

5. banana

Bananas that make you happy

Bananas contain important nutrients and fiber. At the same time  , they provide minerals and a lot of energy.

The tasty fruit is also characterized by an abundance of tryptophan,  which promotes serotonin production and calms the nervous system. 

This can also reduce the cholesterol level. Bananas are highly recommended for muscle cramps, help relieve heartburn and reduce high blood pressure.

6. Spicy foods that make you happy

Spicy foods contain capsaicin, which sends signals to the brain through contact with the taste buds to produce endorphins,  which in turn create euphoria and energy. 

Capsaicin is also said to have anti-cancer and neuropathic pain relief.

7. Chocolate

Chocolate and other foods that make you happy

Chocolate stimulates endorphin production in the body  and increases serotonin levels in the brain.

It contains theobromine, a substance that has a similar effect to caffeine and  increases performance, vitality and happiness.

Don’t forget, however, that the chocolate should contain at least 70% cocoa. Only eat small amounts of chocolate to prevent obesity and other ailments. 

8. Pineapple

The pineapple also promotes serotonin production and  thus physical and emotional well-being. 

You can use it to alleviate sleep disorders and improve your ability to concentrate. The pineapple also has anti-inflammatory properties. You can also improve your mood by relieving the annoying ailments caused by inflammation.

9. Zinc-rich foods

Zinc-rich foods that make you happy

Zinc deficiency can promote bad mood and depression,  and it also has a negative impact on coping with stress.

Zinc-containing foods improve the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates and at the same time ensure a balanced energy balance.

 The following foods contain important amounts of zinc:

  • chocolate
  • peanuts
  • Pumpkins and Pumpkin Seeds
  • liver
  • spinach
  • Mushrooms
  • milk and milkproducts
  • Whole grain cereals
  • legumes

10. Pasta

Foods with carbohydrates improve the state of mind, so pasta (whole grain pasta!) Can also make you happy.

This promotes digestion and improves physical performance.

In addition, pasta regulates the cholesterol level and provides fiber. In this way, the blood sugar level can also be balanced.

If you incorporate these foods into a healthy, varied eating plan,  while also ensuring adequate exercise and healthy lifestyle habits, you can do a lot for your well-being. 

However, do not forget that depression is a serious illness and that you will need medical attention if this happens!

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