10 Foods That Rob Us Of Years Of Life

Artificial sweeteners stimulate appetite and the accumulation of fat, which is exactly the opposite of the desired goal.

10 foods that rob us of years of life

Diet plays an important role in our wellbeing and health. Consuming certain foods can take a few years away from us.

“You are what you eat.”  Our health depends heavily on diet and should therefore be balanced and healthy. Some foods overload the body with toxins and other harmful substances.

Foods that rob us of years of life

Below we list 10 everyday foods that  can negatively affect balance and health:


Sausages (ham, mortadella, salami) have a high proportion of saturated fat. Foods that have more than 1.5 g fat per 100 g increase the risk of obesity and consequently also heart and brain diseases.

Sausage also contains substances that can be carcinogenic in large quantities. It also contains excessive amounts of salt, which increases the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.

Sugary drinks

Carbonated drinks

Sugary drinks cause obesity and other ailments, such as: B. Type 2 diabetes.  However, sugar is essential for the body. However, an excess is harmful to health and complicates the normal course of bodily functions. As a result, our years of life decrease significantly.

French fries and chips

French fries or chips are high in saturated fat and cholesterol. In addition, there is the high caloric value (500 kcal / 100 g). These dishes are therefore harmful to health and increase the risk of obesity.

Pizza and hamburgers

Hamburgers steal years of life

Other foods that contain salt, fat and sugar are pizza and hamburgers. They taste very good, but they pose a risk to our health.


Who doesn’t love it There is a flavor for everyone! But did you know that ice cream contains large amounts of saturated fat, sugar and therefore also calories? Consume it in moderation accordingly.


Sweets reduce the years of life

Sweets are very sugary. Therefore, excessive consumption can lead to type 2 diabetes, obesity or other diseases.


The daily salt consumption usually exceeds the amount required by the body. Salt contains various chemical substances that are harmful to our organism.

With high salt consumption, fluid retention can occur. Therefore, the daily requirement of 6 g salt should not be exceeded.



Artificial sweeteners stimulate hunger. They also promote fat and thus cause weight gain.

Red meat

Red meat is high in saturated fat, which is harmful to the heart. Digestion is slow, so the body uses more energy for it. For this reason, consumption should be reduced.

Refined carbohydrates

Processed foods tend to contain refined carbohydrates. Important nutrients are lost in this process. Grain in its natural state has healthy properties that are eliminated in this processing.

Excessive consumption of these products increases blood sugar levels and fat deposits, which leads to impaired health.

Do not forget…

As is well known, diet is essential for our wellbeing. When the body gets what it needs, health improves. At the same time it leads to a better quality of life.

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