10 Health-promoting Properties Of Magnesium Oil

When making magnesium oil, you should make sure that you do not use any metallic objects. Metal can impair the health-promoting properties of this vital mineral.

10 health benefits of magnesium oil

Magnesium is a mineral that is not produced by the body. Therefore, our body has to metabolize magnesium correctly in order to avoid deficiency symptoms and diseases. Magnesium oil in particular offers numerous advantages.

The vital mineral magnesium is involved in more than 300 different biochemical reactions in your body. This also includes many processes that are responsible for a healthy cardiovascular system, the entire nervous system and the muscles.

Until a few years ago it was very easy to get the daily necessary amount of magnesium through vegetables and nuts. Because the soil in which these foods grew was still rich in magnesium.

Nowadays it is much more difficult to get the required amount of magnesium only through food. The soils contain far fewer minerals and are often very depleted.

In today’s article you will find out which health promoting properties magnesium oil has and how you can make it yourself at home.

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1. Magnesium relieves pain

Magnesium oil helps with sore hands

By using magnesium ointment or oil, you can relieve all sorts of pain. For example, it helps very well with back and joint pain, and magnesium is also very effective for headaches.

The mineral promotes muscle relaxation and at the same time has an anti-inflammatory effect. This speeds up the entire healing process.

2. Magnesium oil is good for your teeth

If you use magnesium oil for oral hygiene, it has a very positive effect on your gums. The oil also prevents plaque from sticking to your teeth .

Overall, your teeth will be strengthened and at the same time the risk of inflammation or other dental problems will decrease.

Note: You shouldn’t swallow magnesium oil, just spit it out after use.

3. Strengthen your bones

Bone - Magnesium Oil

If you have enough magnesium in your body , the synthesis of calcium is supported. So it is very important for strong and healthy bones.

Regular magnesium intake reduces inflammation in the body. In addition, the effects of oxidative stress and toxins are reduced.

4. Magnesium oil prevents skin problems

If you use magnesium oil regularly, it is very good for your skin.

It cleans your pores and also prevents pimples or allergies from developing.

Magnesium oil also regulates your skin’s oil production and also reduces the harmful effects of the sun.

5. Improved blood circulation in your legs

Blood Circulation - Magnesium Oil

You can also use magnesium oil on your legs. It has a relaxing effect on your muscles and also stimulates blood circulation.

Improved blood circulation will reduce the risk of developing varicose veins or spider veins. These can occur when the blood from your legs can no longer flow properly back into your upper body.

6. Magnesium oil helps with stress

When your body absorbs enough magnesium, it balances various hormones that are related to stress.

For this reason, magnesium is an important part of most anti-stress and anxiety medications.

7. It improves your sleep

Sleep - Magnesium Oil

For people who suffer from insomnia, magnesium oil is a perfect way to naturally calm the head and nervous system.

Once the oil is absorbed into your skin, it begins to relax your body. So you will be able to enjoy a deep and restful sleep.

8. You can better control diabetes with magnesium oil

While there are a wide variety of factors that are important in the treatment of diabetes, it is extremely important that you always have enough magnesium in your body.

This is because magnesium helps your body get the most out of insulin. This improves the regulation of blood sugar levels. 

9. It protects your feet

Feet - Magnesium Oil

If you use magnesium oil for your foot care, you will enjoy the refreshing effect. But the application has other advantages as well; the skin on the feet becomes smoother and cracks are avoided. It also prevents the formation of calluses, calluses and numerous other foot problems.

10. Magnesium oil strengthens your immune system

In order for your immune system to function properly, it is imperative that your body has sufficient magnesium available.

This minimizes the risk of infectious diseases. At the same time you get an additional energy boost.

How can you make magnesium oil yourself at home?

Preparation - Magnesium Oil

Although there is a large selection of different magnesium oils available to buy, we recommend that you make it yourself. If you do it yourself at home, you can be sure that you have a product of the highest quality. You can also save money in the process.


  • 1 cup of distilled water (250 ml)
  • 1 cup of magnesium chloride flakes (200 g)


  • Plastic spoon
  • spray bottle


  • First you heat the water. As soon as it boils, take the pot off the stove. Now stir in the magnesium chloride flakes with a plastic spoon.
  • Keep stirring until the flakes have completely dissolved. Then cover the solution with a lid to prevent it from evaporating.
  • As soon as the liquid has cooled down, pour it into a spray bottle. Now you can easily use the oil.


  • Spray the mixture on the affected area of ​​skin and leave it on for 30 to 40 minutes. Then simply wash the oil off with warm water.
  • Repeat this application three times a day, every day.

As you can see, it is very easy to make magnesium oil yourself. And the wide variety of possible applications are certainly worth this minimal effort.

Just give this recipe a try and use the oil every day. This is how you ensure that your body always has enough magnesium available.

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