10 Remedies That Could Help Prevent Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are crooked, convoluted veins that can usually be seen on the legs and prevent proper blood flow.

10 remedies that could help prevent varicose veins

Varicose veins are one of the most common circulatory problems. It mainly affects women, but more and more men are also suffering from it. Here we introduce you to  10 remedies that could help prevent varicose veins.

Varicose veins are crooked, convoluted veins that can usually be seen on the legs and prevent proper blood flow.

Most of the time, varicose veins are caused by a malfunction of the circulatory system, but there are other triggers as well. In the following, we will introduce you to 10 remedies to prevent varicose veins and to take care of the skin.

The most common reasons for varicose veins are obesity, sedentary lifestyle, lack of motivation, standing for long periods, contraception, predisposition, high cholesterol and thrombosis.

It is very important to pay attention to the first signs, because if varicose veins are not treated in a timely manner, complications can easily develop.

If varicose veins are left untreated for a long time , ulcers that are difficult to treat can form, for example , and in severe cases there can even be amputation.

Then we will introduce you to 10 remedies for effectively caring for your health. Even though many people don’t believe in it, these foods can help if used appropriately.

10 remedies that could help prevent varicose veins

1. Garlic

Garlic is a natural product with a variety of beneficial properties. The active ingredients contained in garlic help reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation.

Experts recommend consuming garlic daily or an ointment with fresh garlic for the affected areas. This ointment should then be applied four times a week.

2. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera

Aloe Vera has many health-promoting properties. In this case, we advise you to treat the affected areas with aloe vera compresses. It is best in the evening to let the compresses work overnight. Use hot compresses as this will make the aloe vera better.

3. Apple cider vinegar

It is very easy to use. Moisten a rag or clean cloth with apple cider vinegar, then use it to wrap the affected area. Then let the cloth work for a few minutes or use it to massage the area with light movements from bottom to top.

However, you should definitely not put pressure on the varicose veins.

4. Ointment made from vinegar, carrots and aloe vera

Another option is to make an ointment from vinegar (apple cider vinegar is best), carrots, and aloe vera. Just puree all of the ingredients. Then let the ointment work for 30 minutes. Then wash off the residue with cool water.


5. Alternating baths

You can then do this simple remedy every day. Alternating baths are also highly recommended for the feet, they have a relaxing and refreshing effect and at the same time help to relieve swelling.

The contrast baths are carried out in a small basin or in a bathtub. Pour in lukewarm water, then add some sea salt and a cup of apple cider vinegar. Then soak your feet and legs for twenty minutes while giving gentle massages.

6. Green clay ointment

Mix green clay with a little water to make an ointment. But you shouldn’t use too much water, otherwise the ointment will be too runny and you will not achieve the desired result.

It is best to apply the ointment to the affected area in the evening. Then the residues are washed off with lukewarm water and neutral soap.

7. Herbal infusion


You will need a little more time to prepare this remedy. But it’s very efficient, so it’s worth the effort.

Boil two liters of water, then add a handful of fresh mint, chamomile, and bay leaf. Then add a little more baking soda and bathe the affected areas in this infusion for 5 minutes.

If you have very sensitive skin you may develop a hives, so be careful.

8. Chili

Chilli or hot peppers can help loosen blockages in your veins and improve blood flow. For this reason, specialists recommend eating a serving of chilies a day.

However, there are different opinions on this. People who are not used to eating spicy foods should start with normal peppers for the time being.

9. Tea from chestnut peel

Boil 50 grams of chestnut peels in one liter of water for about ten minutes. Then strain the tea and drink it immediately. Chestnuts improve blood circulation and can also help with varicose veins.

10. Essential oils


Essential oils are great for reducing inflammation in varicose veins and stimulating blood circulation. The oils are best used for massages on the affected areas.

Start at your ankles and then massage down to your thighs. The massages should also be gentle and not circular. We recommend the massages in the evening, because then the positive properties of the essential oils can work overnight.

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