11 Exercises To Relieve Shoulder Pain

The intensity of the exercises should always be adapted to your own possibilities and needs. If your shoulders are in severe pain, you should start gradually and very gently for gradual improvements.

11 exercises to relieve shoulder pain

Sitting in front of the computer for long periods of time, sleeping poorly, or lifting heavy loads can lead to shoulder pain. Often the neck and back are also stressed.

In addition to ice or heat treatments  , we recommend the following exercises to relieve shoulder pain and relieve  tension.

Stretching exercises for shoulder pain

You should do these exercises daily to relieve pain in your shoulders and give you more flexibility.

In addition, adequate sleep and regular breaks (so as not to spend hours in the same position) are essential to  protect the shoulders. 

You can use these exercises to strengthen your muscles  and improve your posture.

  • Do the exercises gently and don’t forget to warm up before training!
  • After the exercises, it is advisable to stretch the area to further promote blood circulation. Make sure to perform every movement correctly to avoid injury and discomfort.

We suggest the following training routine:

1. Initial stretch

Before you start exercising, it is very important to warm up your body.

  • Put one hand on the back of a chair, then gradually move away from the chair to stretch the arm. The other arm hangs down loosely.
  • Then do circular or pendulum motions for two minutes .
  • Then repeat these two exercises on the other side.

2. Stretching the upper shoulder area

Woman shoulder pain
  • Then bring your right hand to your left shoulder.
  • With your left hand you then touch your right elbow and lift it as far as you can towards your face. Remain in this position for a few seconds and then go back to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise 5 times on both sides.

3. Lateral stretch

  • This exercise starts in the same way as the previous exercise, but the pressure is applied from the side.
  • The hand  is no longer supported on the shoulder, the arm is then gently stretched.
  • Repeat this exercise 5 times on each side.

4. Stretching the back shoulder area

  • To do this exercise, you will put one hand in the corner of two walls or a door frame.
  • Then you step back a little  so that you can stretch your arm completely behind your body.
  • Hold the pressure for 5 seconds, then relax briefly.
  • Repeat 5 times on both sides.

5. Combined stretching

Exercise shoulder pain

For this exercise you will need a rubber band or a stretchy cloth.

  • Take one end of the rubber hand with your right hand and bring your arm behind your head. The elbow is then bent.
  • Now bring your left hand behind your back from below and grab the other end of the rubber band.
  • Holding the band, stretch your right arm up (toward the ceiling) and your left arm toward the floor.
  • Remain in this position for 30 seconds, then relax briefly and start over.
  • Do 5 repetitions on both sides.

6. Stretching exercise while lying down

  • Lie on a mat with your legs straight.
  • Then take the wrist of your right hand with your left hand and bring both arms backwards.
  • So you can stretch both arms. Remain in this position for a few seconds, then grasp the left wrist with your right hand to repeat this exercise on this side.

7. Butterfly stretching exercise

  • This exercise is also performed lying down. Put your hands behind your neck with your elbows pointing up.
  • Now open your arms and bring your elbows down, they should touch the floor if possible.

Exercise routine for shoulder pain

Once you’ve done these warming up stretches, it is time to strengthen your shoulders.

These exercises are particularly recommended for all those who suffer from tendinitis or problems with the rotator cuff.

1. Vertical inflections

If you have shoulder pain, push-ups on the floor are usually not possible, so we recommend this exercise to gently strengthen the shoulder area.

  • Stand in front of a wall so that you  can rest your palms on the wall and your arms are straight.
  • Then you bring your torso forward and lift your heels. The elbows are bent and the shoulders rise.
  • Remain in this position for a few seconds and then go back to the starting position.
  • Repeat this exercise 10 times.

2. Raise shoulders

This exercise is also practiced in front of a wall.

  • Support your palms on the wall, then distance yourself without extending your arms completely.
  • Then gradually bring your hands up as far as you can without removing them from the wall. The goal is  to bring the shoulders up to the level of the ears. 
  • Then slowly bring your hands back down and start over.
  • Then repeat this exercise 5 times.

3. Exercise with dumbbells

Woman exercise

At first you can do these exercises without weights, then gradually you can start with light dumbbells and slowly increase the weight.

  • The first exercise is done lying down. Lie face down on a bench or sofa. One shoulder should be in the air.
  • Now take a dumbbell and bring your stretched arm backwards.
  • Repeat this exercise 10 times on both sides.

This exercise is similar, but performed while seated:

  • The arm with the weight is raised until it is parallel to the floor.
  • Do 10 repetitions on both sides.

4. Exercise with a stick for shoulder pain

You can use a broomstick or stick for these exercises.

  • You stand with your back straight and your legs slightly open. The hands then hold the stick by the ends.
  • Now move your arms to the side and then stretch them as much as possible.
  • You can also bring your arms backwards or alternately move them over your head and then back forwards.
  • Repeat this exercise several times on both sides.

Another possibility is to stretch out your arms with the stick upwards and alternately move the stick  to both sides. 

Cover picture kindly provided by © wikiHow.com

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