15 Foods For Cleansing The Liver

Grapefruit juice promotes the formation of pollutant-cleaning enzymes in the liver and consequently the elimination of toxins.

15 foods to cleanse your liver

Because of all the processed foods we eat every day, the stress at work or at home, or even the pollution, the liver is often overloaded and therefore cannot function properly. This is why it is important to know the foods used to clean the liver.

Do a good liver cleanse at least twice a year and consume foods that protect important functions of this organ. 

In this way, toxins can then be excreted correctly. In this post, you will learn more about different liver cleanse foods .

Liver cleansing foods


The active ingredients in garlic include allicin and selenium, which are found in large quantities in it. These are excellent for cleansing the liver.

Even with small amounts, the enzymes are activated in the liver and this promotes the natural elimination of harmful substances.



The grapefruit is another liver cleanse food. It is high in vitamin C and antioxidants, which  promote the liver’s natural ability to eliminate toxins.

When you drink freshly squeezed grapefruit juice every day, you activate the cleansing enzymes that are in the liver and thus the elimination of harmful substances.

These can include cancer cells or other harmful substances that place a heavy burden on the organism if they are not excreted.

Beetroot and Carrots

Both contain a large amount of flavonoids and batacarotene, which stimulate and support liver functions. You should consume these vegetables daily to keep your liver healthy and therefore efficient.

Green tea

green tea

Green tea promotes liver health thanks to the catechins it contains. These improve liver functions and promote general health.

Green leafy vegetables

In general, all leafy green vegetables are excellent liver cleansing foods. They also absorb the pollutants that are in the blood as they contain high levels of cholrophyll.

You can consume green leafy vegetables raw in salads or juices or cooked in soups, for example. 


avocado seeds

Consuming avocados regularly helps keep the liver healthy. This fruit is characterized by numerous valuable nutrients. It promotes the production of glutathione, an active ingredient that is necessary for cleaning the liver of toxins.


The pectin contained in apples and other active ingredients also help to eliminate harmful substances in the digestive tract, thus supporting the liver functions.

full grain

whole grain rice

Whole grain products, such as whole grain rice, are very important for health in general. In particular, these serve to relieve the liver and the fat metabolism that takes place in this organ.

Broccoli and cauliflower

These vegetables increase the production of natural liver enzymes,  which have the ability to excrete various cancer-causing substances. 

The glucosinolates found in these vegetables can also provide good prevention against cancer. For this, however, broccoli or cauliflower must be consumed daily.

Lemons and limes


These citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C and the juices stimulate liver functions. It is best to drink the freshly squeezed juice of these fruits in the morning on an empty stomach (diluted with water) in order to benefit from all the advantages.


Regular consumption of cabbage stimulates the normal functions of the liver,  which is then decisive for the elimination of harmful substances from the organism.

Do not forget…

A balanced diet is crucial for a healthy life, whereby you should help the organism to excrete pollutants in a natural way so that no disorders occur.

Note that the liver is one of the most important organs and therefore deserves appropriate care so that it is not unnecessarily overloaded and can function correctly.

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