17 Alternative Ways To Use Nail Polish

If a blouse button is loose and you don’t have a needle to sew on, you can simply apply a little colorless nail polish and hold the button in place.

17 alternative ways to use nail polish

Shiny nail polish in all colors is very popular for beautifying fingernails or toenails.  

The first colorful nail polish came on the market in 1924, and  since then it has become an indispensable fashion trend for women of all ages.

The quality of the varnish is continuously being improved and there are numerous possibilities to combine it and to beautify the nails with it.

What many do not know, however, is  that nail polish can also be very useful for alternative household uses.

Not only can it be used to beautify the nails, it is also very helpful in many other situations. Read on to learn more about it.

1. Nail polish to fix silk stockings

Stop the ladder

Silk stockings and other delicate fabrics break quickly, especially if you get stuck somewhere.

To extend the life of these textiles and prevent them from breaking completely, you can simply  apply a bit of colorless nail polish and wait for it to dry.

2. Fix the buttons

Fix the button with nail polish

So that you don’t lose a loose button if you don’t have the thread and needle at hand,  you can simply apply a little transparent nail polish to hold it in place.

3. Make jewelry shine

Nail polish for jewelry

You can apply a fine layer of transparent varnish so that costume jewelry does not get stained or dull. This way the jewelry always stays shiny and clean.

4. Replacement for adhesive

Nail polish instead of glue

Transparent varnish is also perfect for gluing small items together. If you don’t have any other glue on hand, try nail polish!

5. Repair shoes

Repair shoes with nail polish

So that the outer seams of the shoes do not wear out any further, you can simply apply some transparent varnish  to the damaged areas.

Let it dry well and then brush gently so that you can see the repair as little as possible.

6. Prevent rust stains

Nail polish against rust

If you want to avoid rust stains on metal objects, you can simply coat the vulnerable areas with transparent varnish.

This  acts as protection against moisture  and prevents the spread of fungi or mold.

7. Fix the screws

Nail polish for glasses

To prevent the screws of your glasses from loosening, you can  simply apply some varnish to protect them and let them dry.

8. Seal the laces

Threading with nail polish

To prevent the laces of the shoes from fraying, you can simply coat the ends with a thin layer of nail polish. Then let it dry and apply a few more layers until the laces look nice again.

9. Decorate hair clips

Beautiful hair clip decoration

You can use different colored nail polish, glitter, and small stones to decorate your  favorite hair clips. 

10. Identify the key

Identify key

To identify the different keys more easily, you can simply cover the upper part with different colors.

You should only apply the nail polish to the head of the key, otherwise there  could be problems opening the various doors!

11. Seal letters

Seal letters with nail polish

Sometimes envelopes don’t have an adhesive seal. If this is the case, you can simply  apply a little transparent varnish to seal the letter. 

12. Decorate cups

Decorate the cups with nail polish

To do this, first put different colored nail polish in a container with water. Then  stir with a wooden stick to achieve the marble effect. Then you add the white cups so that they take on the color.

13. Personalize your phone case

Creative phone case

Buy a monochrome phone case and then paint it with colored nail polish to suit your taste.

14. Decorate the cables of the headphones

Headphones and cables

You can also personalize the cables of your headphones  by painting stripes on them with colored nail polish.

This looks nice and prevents the cable from tangling up quickly.

15. Cover small holes

A thick layer of clear varnish can help  cover small holes in the windows.

This way you can prevent them from getting bigger and at the same time keep insects away.

16. Make objects glow

Nail polish for the remote control

If you paint important buttons on the remote control with glowing nail polish, you can see them more easily in the dark.

You can also mark the light switch in this way, because this will make it easier to find it at night.

17. Thread a thread

Nail polish for threading

It is not always easy to thread a thread. But with a little  nail polish you can seal the thread and thread  it so much easier.

Did you already know all of these nail polish uses? You too can benefit from it!

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