3 Herbal Teas For Cleansing The Colon

3 herbal teas for colon cleansing

Did you know that herbal teas can be used for colon cleansing ? Not only do they taste good, they are also healthy.

Often we forget how important it is to take care of our bowels. It is responsible for basic functions such as breaking down carbohydrates, proteins and fats, absorbing vitamins, minerals, water and nutrients etc. Diet and various habits support the intestinal function and strengthen this vital organ. Today we recommend 3 simple herbal teas for colon cleansing . These medicinal herbs should never be missing in your kitchen!

Artichoke and ginger infusion for cleansing the colon

Ginger-artichoke tea and other herbal teas for cleansing the colon

This combination is perhaps surprising. The infusion not only cleanses the intestines it also has many other positive effects on health:

  • Artichoke water is rich in  vitamins and minerals  and improves liver and kidney functions.
  • Both artichoke water and ginger have a strong detoxifying effect  help with the excretion of fat and cleanse the intestines of residues.
  • Ginger and artichoke water improve  digestion. 
  • This drink also helps against bad cholesterol.
  • Ginger is also anti-inflammatory and excellent for stomach pain.


  • 2 medium-sized artichokes
  • 1 liter of water
  • 80 g ginger root


  • The preparation of this tea is very simple:  bring the water to a boil  and add the artichokes and ginger.
  • Cook for about 30 to 40 minutes until the artichokes are soft and the water has absorbed the healthy ingredients.
  • Then sieve the infusion and it is ready. You can eat the artichokes with a little oil and vinegar – they taste delicious.
  • Then pour the infusion into a glass bottle and store in the refrigerator. It is advisable to drink one cup each day on an empty stomach, in the afternoon and after dinner.  It is best to drink this infusion for 8 days, you will feel very good afterwards.

2. Peppermint and dandelion tea

3 herbal teas for cleansing the colon: Peppermint and dandelion tea

Peppermint is one of the best medicinal plants for treating irritable bowel syndrome. Therefore, this medicinal plant should never be missing. Peppermint can be combined excellently and tastes excellent both in various desserts and as a tea. Today we recommend the combination with dandelion, one of the best herbal teas for colon cleansing.

  • This tea prevents painful bowel contractions,  relaxes the intestinal walls and at the same time works against constipation and diarrhea.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Peppermint and dandelion help  cleanse the colon.
  • Another benefit is that this tea relieves headache and general discomfort.


  • 20 g fresh peppermint
  • 20 g of dandelions
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey


  • The preparation is very simple: bring the water to a boil and cook  the peppermint and dandelions for 15 minutes. Then let it steep for 10 minutes and sweeten with honey. A perfect tea to aid digestion after lunch.

    3. Aloe vera linden blossom tea

    3 herbal teas for cleansing the colon: aloe vera and linden blossom tea

    The aloe vera is also characterized by numerous health-promoting properties. Among other things, it is a wonderful means for cleansing the colon  and is also excellent for irritable bowel syndrome. The following properties should be emphasized:

    • Natural moisturizer for the digestive system.
    • Aloe cleanses the digestive tract and helps remove pollutants that build up in the intestines.
    • It helps with cramps, has a relaxing effect and prevents constipation.
    • In combination with linden blossom, a relaxing tea is created that neutralizes pollutants and helps to excrete them.


      • 80 g aloe vera (clear gel inside the leaves)
      • 20 g linden blossom
      • 1 glass of water
      • a few drops of lemon juice


      • Heat the water and dissolve the aloe vera gel in it. Then add the linden blossoms.
      • Then cook for 20 minutes, then remove from heat and let steep for another 10 minutes.
      • It is best to drink this tea lukewarm. Add a few drops of lemon. It is recommended to take this tea on an empty stomach for 8 days to cleanse the intestines. That will do you well.

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