4 Delicious Detox Drinks That You Can Prepare Yourself

Detox drinks alone do not offer your body any real benefits. Hence, it is necessary that you consume them as part of a healthy lifestyle in order to maintain your wellbeing and health in the best possible way.

4 delicious detox drinks that you can make yourself

Detox shakes or detox drinks are very popular these days with people looking to improve their eating habits and general lifestyle.

These detox drinks are an excellent alternative to common commercial soft drinks as they do not contain sugar or other substances harmful to the body. Instead , they are packed with high quality nutrients that can provide a wide variety of benefits. 

While it is true that these detox drinks do not “detoxify” the body as such, they still offer numerous benefits: They are very refreshing, keep you hydrated and, as we have already mentioned, you can stop consuming industrial beverages ( which are high in sugar and sodium).

So if you want to improve your diet and do without industrially produced drinks that only provide you with large amounts of sugar in the future, you can prepare several delicious detox drinks at home The following recipes could serve as inspiration. Convince yourself of it!

Detox drinks - various juices

1. The first of our detox drinks contains watermelon, strawberries, lime and ginger

The taste of watermelon can be enhanced with a hint of lime and ginger. The strawberry has a certain thick consistency, which is why the first of our detox drinks is guaranteed to taste delicious.


  • 5 strawberries
  • Juice of one lime
  • 1 large slice of watermelon
  • a piece of ginger


  • First you put the sliced ​​watermelon (with the seeds) in the blender. Then you add the piece of ginger and the peeled lime.
  • Now you remove the leaves of the strawberries, cut them into small pieces and put them in the blender as well.
  • Process everything finely until a homogeneous mixed drink is produced.
  • Enjoy this detox drink as part of your breakfast or as a snack in between.

2. Detox Drinks: A Recipe Made With Banana And Spinach

This delicious detox drink with banana and spinach is perfect for enjoying those green leaves combined with a sweet taste. When preparing it, you can choose whether you want to use green or red apples.


  • 1 banana
  • 3 apples
  • 5 carrots
  • 1/2 glass of water (125 ml)
  • 1 cup of raw spinach (40 g)


  • First you cut the banana and apples into small pieces. Then you juice the carrots  and put all the ingredients in a blender with half a glass of water.
  • Now process all the ingredients for a few minutes until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Consume this drink in moderation, for example as a mid-morning snack.

3. Detox drink with orange, pear, apple and lemon

Detox drinks - apple, banana, kiwi
Instead of making the detox drink with apples and pears, you can also use kiwi. This variant is also very tasty.

Have you ever tried the mixture of orange, pear, apple and lemon? You can use it to make delicious detox drinks! But these delicious smoothies don’t just quench your appetite between meals. You can also recharge your batteries and provide yourself with new energy.


  • 1 pear
  • 3 oranges
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1 apple
  • optional: cinnamon


  • First you squeeze the oranges and mix this juice with the juice of half a lemon. Then core the apple and pear and cut them with the peel into small pieces. Now you put everything in a stand mixer.
  • Process all ingredients in a stand mixer or blender to make a fine mixed drink.
  • Drink the juice immediately after preparation to get the most out of all its properties. This drink is ideal as part of breakfast or to regenerate yourself after a workout.

4. Detox drinks with pineapple and coconut water

Another delicious detox drink to enjoy is coconut water mixed with pineapple. It is very fragrant and if you love sweetness you will surely love it!


  • 4 slices of pineapple (400 g)
  • 250 ml coconut water
  • 1 handful of fresh spinach
  • Optional: fresh mint leaves or spearmint


  • Peel and dice the pineapple.
  • Then put the pineapple in a blender along with the spinach and coconut water.
  • Process the ingredients until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Consume this drink as part of your breakfast or as a snack between meals.
Detox drinks - pineapple

What should you keep in mind when consuming detox drinks?

First of all, you should choose the option that you like best. Then you can include these detox drinks in your diet. However, you should only consume them in moderation. In addition, you can let your creativity run free when preparing, you don’t have to stick to the recipes. Just try your own combination!

If you want to lose weight, you should combine the detox drinks with a balanced diet and regular exercise. Because the detox drinks alone are not enough to achieve your goals.

If you are unsure how to achieve your goals in a healthy and safe way, the best thing to do is to consult a nutritionist and have a diet plan that is optimal for you.

If you want to do something daily for your health and well-being, you should note that the most important thing is to always maintain good habits and avoid excesses and a sedentary lifestyle. Additionally, with any measures you take, it is vital that you consistently maintain them this way every day.

Detox drinks are not a substitute for a main meal

Also, it is not recommended that you overeat and then try to “compensate” for the “damage” with a detox drink, as you will not get any real results that way. In order for the detox drinks to contribute to your health, you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid excesses in general.

In addition, you should note that replacing your main meals with detox drinks is not recommended, even though they are made from healthy ingredients such as fruits and vegetables. In order for the human body to get everything it needs to function properly, it is important to maintain balance and diversity in diet.

If you eat a healthy and balanced diet, that’s perfectly fine. Therefore, you shouldn’t follow recommendations that say you should skip certain meals, starve, or cut out certain foods.

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