4 Effective Moisturizing Home Remedies For Dry Skin

Who doesn’t want young, supple skin. With these home remedies you can improve the complexion of your skin without having to resort to chemical products.

4 effective moisturizing home remedies for dry skin

While dry skin is not a serious problem, it should be specially cared for to prevent uncomfortable symptoms. There are several  moisturizing home remedies for dry skin that are very beneficial in this case.

To keep the skin supple, you can use moisturizing home remedies for dry skin every day.

These home remedies will cleanse, moisturize, and tone your skin. You can also use some of these home remedies as an exfoliator to remove dead skin cells.

Moisturizing home remedies for dry skin: effective and skin-friendly

The following natural ingredients are very effective and at the same time skin-friendly, as you can avoid harmful chemicals with them:

  • almond oil
  • Yogurt with potatoes
  • Clay
  • Eggs

You should always have these home remedies at home!

Almond oil - moisturizing home remedy for dry skin

1. Almond oil

Do you have dry skin? This natural product works great! 

Almond oil is a perfect solution for treating problem skin. It is easily available everywhere, many always have almond oil in stock.

With this wonderful recipe you will never have problems with dry skin again.


  • 2 cups of hot water (500 ml)
  • Half a tablespoon of almond oil (7.5 g)


  • A towel
  • A towel


  • Carefully apply the hot water to your face with the towel.
  • Put the almond oil on your hands and then spread it on the palms of your hands.
  • Now apply the oil to the face in circular motions.
  • Massage it in for a few minutes and then dip the towel in the hot water.
  • Wring the towel well, then place it on your face. Be careful not to get burned in the process.
  • Finally, clean the face with the towel. You should use this treatment 3 times a week.

2. Yogurt and mashed potatoes

Creams - moisturizing home remedies for dry skin

The mixture of yogurt and mashed potatoes is also a moisturizing home remedy for dry skin, which gives your skin a smooth complexion.

The lactic acid in yogurt moisturizes the skin and  removes dead skin cells that remain in the pores of the skin. You will soon have soft, supple skin.


  • 1 cup of yogurt (200 g)
  • 3 tablespoons mashed potatoes (60 g)


  • Mix the yogurt with the mashed potatoes until it is evenly mixed.
  • Apply the mixture directly to the face and neck until they are completely covered with the mass.
  • Let the mask work for 20 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. The results will surprise you!
  • Repeat the application 2 times a week  and you will see how your complexion improves after each application.

3. Clay

Clay is a moisturizing home remedy for dry skin

Clay has many ingredients that are useful for the skin. Most of all, its moisturizing properties will surprise you.

We recommend white clay for this application.

Make sure to mix the clay with the water slowly until you reach the right consistency.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 5 tablespoons of white clay (50 g)
  • 1 cucumber


  • Mix the clay with the water in a balanced ratio.
  • Peel and grate the cucumber.
  • Process all of the ingredients until you have a viscous face mask.
  • Apply the mask to your face and neck and let it sit for 20 minutes.
  • You will notice that the mask dries quickly. This can remove dead skin cells, giving your skin a softer complexion.
  • Apply this mask 3 times a week and you will quickly see results.

4. Eggs

Almost everyone has eggs at home, but not everyone knows that these are also excellent for beauty!

The nutrients in the eggs have a moisturizing effect  and make the skin more tender and supple.

If you combine the eggs with oatmeal you can increase the effect. The result will surprise you!


  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal (25 g)


  • A brush


  • Mix the eggs with the oatmeal until you have a lump-free mass.
  • Now apply the mask to your face with a brush.
  • Let the mask work for 15 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.
  • If you use this moisturizing home remedy for dry skin twice a week, you will soon see amazing results.

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