4 Helpful Tips For Glasses Wearers

If the glasses are too loose or too tight, you can have them adjusted better by the optician. It is not recommended to do this yourself so as not to harm the glasses.  

4 helpful tips for people who wear glasses

More and more people are dependent on glasses because the long time in front of the computer leaves its mark over time. Here we give helpful tips for people who  wear glasses.

For eyeglass wearers , it is very important to keep the glasses in perfect condition, otherwise it could lead to vision problems.

Clean glasses without scratches are necessary in  order to see well and to align the gaze correctly.

You can find out more about this topic in today’s post.

Clean glasses = optimal view

Wearer of glasses

Visual disturbances such as myopia or astigmatism do not go away with the glasses, but at least one can prevent the ametropia from developing further with this aid.

But for this the lenses must be well centered and adjusted  (they must neither be too loose nor too tight) in order to guarantee the best view and at the same time to extend the life of the glasses.

If the eyesight does not deteriorate and the glasses are in good condition, it is not necessary to replace them every year after visiting the ophthalmologist.

A new model also doesn’t make a lot of sense if it’s not cared for and cleaned, or if scratches appear in the glasses.

Almost all glasses are made of an organic, light and sensitive material, so you should be careful with them.

What is the best way to clean glasses?


A wide variety of products for cleaning glasses are available from specialist retailers, for example sprays, liquid cleaners or damp cloths for your pocket. But these are usually not cheap.

But  neutral soap does the same thing. Liquid soap is best, which can be used as follows:

  1.  Hold the glasses under the running water so that they are well moistened without the water exerting too much pressure.
  2. Then apply some soap with your fingertips.
  3. Gently rub both sides of the glasses with it.
  4. Then rinse the soap off with water.
  5. Dry with a tissue.
  6. All metal parts should also be dried well.

What if there is no water available? Then you can clean the glasses with the following agents:

  • Microfiber cloth
  • spray
  • Wet wipe
  • Specific device with ultrasound

Eyeglass wearers: how do you clean the lenses correctly?

Spectacle lenses

If you are not at home and cannot clean your glasses with water, it is best to use a special glasses cleaning cloth that you get from your optician when you buy glasses.

Be careful not to damage the glasses. Holding the glasses sideways can put too much strain on the hinge. Glasses without a frame could also damage the lens.

Don’t forget to clean the glasses frame too, especially the temples or bridge, which get stained from contact with skin and hair.

Especially when it is warm or when you sweat, these areas become contaminated. In this case, soap and water are best. 

Some people use a blow dryer to dry their glasses to prevent the hinges and screws from getting rusty.

What is the best way to take off your glasses and how do you put them back on?


If the glasses are not put on or taken off correctly, the temples and hinges can suffer. Always use both hands for this!

Using just one hand will put a lot of strain on the opposite hinge. Over time, the glasses no longer fit so well and have to be readjusted. This could also damage the hinge.

Accessories for glasses

Every wearer of glasses should have the following 3 accessories:

Glasses case

Glasses case

This should be hard and of sufficient size to protect the glasses. So nothing happens to the glasses, even if they fall to the ground in the case.

Glasses chain or cord for people who wear glasses

Mostly you see elderly people with a chain or string to hold the glasses. If you are dealing with reading glasses that you often put on or take off, this tool is very useful.

However, if the glasses are hanging on the cord, there  is a risk of them bumping into something. 

Cleaning cloth

This is not only very useful for cleaning the glasses, it also protects the glasses when you keep them in the case.

Additional tips for caring for your glasses


In addition to cleaning and storing your glasses, the following tips are useful to keep them in perfect condition for as long as possible. These recommendations are also helpful for sunglasses.

  • Never put the glasses on the table with the lenses.
  • Excessive heat should also be avoided.
  • Do not use clothing or inappropriate textiles to clean the glasses (never jeans or knitted clothes).
  • It is advisable to have the glasses cleaned thoroughly by the optician from time to time.
  • If the glasses are too tight, you should have an optician fit them for you.

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