4 Herbal Teas For Young Skin

These herbal teas are excellent for naturally taking care of the skin’s beauty. However, if you experience itching or other discomfort, stop the treatment and wash the skin with water. 

4 herbal teas for young skin

As you age, the skin becomes thinner and slacker and the first wrinkles appear, but there are many products  for young skin that  don’t have to be expensive. Inexpensive natural beauty products can also be very effective!

However, various aspects must be considered in skin care in order to actually achieve the desired goal:

  • The skin needs sufficient moisture from the inside and outside.
  • Regular  peelings are  also very important for young skin  because they remove dead skin cells.
  • Avoid harmful habits like tobacco and alcohol.
  • Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep to allow your body to recover sufficiently and to allow cells to regenerate during the night.

Today we recommend various herbal teas for young skin that you can use to complement your beauty routine. All of them taste great and are a perfect excuse to hang out with your girlfriends or relax after a hard day at work.

1. Chamomile tea for young skin

Chamomile is a popular medicinal herb that can be found in almost every household. It is mostly used for stomach pain or indigestion. However, chamomile also helps with minor burns and promotes wound healing.

Did you know that  chamomile also has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties that are very effective for the following skin ailments?

Chamomile for young skin

  • Eczema
  • slight wounds
  • acne
  • Allergies

You can drink the tea or use it as a facial toner  and apply it directly to the skin.

We recommend both alternatives: If you have skin complaints, apply the chamomile tea directly to the affected areas, and drink a cup of chamomile tea every day.

So you can benefit twice from the multiple advantages and keep your skin beautiful and young.

You can also make a skin mask with chamomile to treat skin spots on your face, elbows, or other areas.


  • ½ cup chamomile tea (100 ml)
  • ½ teaspoon honey (3.75 g)


  • Apply this mixture to the desired area of ​​skin and let it work for 15 minutes.
  • Then rinse with lukewarm water.

2. Dandelion tea for young skin

Dandelion has wonderful properties for the skin because  it provides important antioxidants and has a dehydrating and detoxifying effect. 

Dandelion tea can be used for acne as it removes toxins through the sweat glands and urine.

If these stay in the body and build up, pimples can develop. With  dandelion tea, you can reduce puffiness and skin marks at the same time. 

You can treat the following skin conditions with dandelion tea:
  • fine lines of expression
  • stains
  • Wrinkles around the mouth and eyes

At the same time, the tea nourishes, firms and strengthens sagging skin.

3. Melissa tea for young skin

Melissa tea for young skin

Melissa is also an excellent herb for skin beauty. It has a relaxing effect and can also be used, for example, as a massage oil or after shaving to relax the skin.

The lemon balm also has a strengthening effect and improves the complexion. It is excellent for tired, dry skin.

You can use the tea topically or drink it. If you consume lemon balm tea regularly, you can get excellent results!

4. Mint tea for young skin

Mint leaves are also an excellent natural remedy for acne. They refine the complexion because they have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

You can drink mint tea or use it as a facial toner.

Mint tea has the following benefits for your skin:

  • Excellent for treating skin spots.
  • It moisturizes the skin and at the same time controls sebum production, which is why peppermint tea is particularly suitable for combination skin.
  • It helps against small wrinkles.
  • It makes the skin glow and tightens it.
  • It soothes irritation caused by insect bites.

If you want to use these benefits effectively, apply  mint tea directly to the skin with a little cotton wool.

Let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes, then wash it off with water. Your complexion will improve in a short time.

The herbal teas mentioned are best incorporated into your beauty routine. In addition, you should make it a habit to drink a cup of it every day to get the most out of its benefits.

This inexpensive and natural alternative will help keep your skin young and beautiful.

In addition, we recommend the following measures:

  • Drink enough water!
  • Cleanse your face thoroughly and gently every day.
  • Use natural makeup for hypoallergenic skin whenever possible.
  • Eat a varied, healthy diet!

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