4 Natural Remedies For Esophagitis

Do you suffer from esophagitis and the symptoms described here? The following natural remedies can help you avoid long-term harm.

4 natural remedies for esophagitis

Esophagitis causes inflammation of the esophagus and tears in the mucous membrane. In this article we show you 4 natural remedies for esophagitis.

The esophagus is part of the digestive tract and connects the mouth to the stomach. Every food we eat has to pass through the esophagus.

Inflammation of the esophagus can be caused by stomach acid rising from the stomach. In most cases, this is due to insufficient gastric occlusion.

People with esophagitis often complain of upper abdominal pain. Some describe the pain as burning or as a feeling of pressure. Heartburn, stomach acid regurgitation, and difficulty swallowing may also occur.

However, if the symptoms are mild, you can use natural remedies to keep the condition from getting worse and to treat the condition.

Do you have an inflammation of the esophagus? Find out what causes it and try natural  remedies for esophagitis

Causes of esophagitis

Woman with heartburn

The most common form of esophagitis occurs when stomach acid flows back into the esophagus.

From the stomach, stomach acid, stomach contents, and sometimes bile rise up and cause irritation.

Some triggers for this problem are:

  • excessive smoking and alcohol consumption
  • Long-term medication intake
  • too much and lovely food
  • frequent vomiting
  • Diaphragmatic hernia
  • Surgery or radiation in the chest area

In addition, high levels of white blood cells in the esophagus can cause esophagitis. Then one speaks of eosinophilic esophagitis, which is often associated with allergies.

There is also infectious inflammation of the esophagus, which can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or parasites.


Woman with stomach ache

Symptoms of esophagitis differ from person to person, depending on the damage to the lining of the esophagus. But the most common signs include:

  • Pain in the upper edge of the stomach
  • Chest pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • persistent cough
  • frequent belching
  • Loss of appetite
  • Discomfort when swallowing


Unfortunately, esophagitis can have some serious complications:

  • Scarring and narrowing of the esophagus
  • Damage to the lining of the esophagus
  • Formation of Barrett’s esophagus, a change in cells that can lead to esophageal cancer

Natural remedies for esophagitis

It is important that you follow your doctor’s instructions when treating esophagitis . In addition, however, you can use natural remedies that provide quick relief for unpleasant complaints.

1. Aloe vera juice

Aloe vera drink

The gel from the aloe vera plant contains vitamin B and amino acids. These substances help to reduce the irritation of the mucous membrane.

When you ingest aloe gel, you can counteract the excessive production of stomach acid. This protects the mucous membranes from irritation and prevents ulcers.


  • 5 tablespoons of aloe gel
  • 125 ml of water
  • 1 tablespoon of honey

Preparation and use

  • First, put all the ingredients in a blender and make a drink.
  • Drink it once a day until you feel better.

2. Licorice tea

Licorice tea

Licorice works naturally against acid build-up. Hence, it can reduce the uncomfortable symptoms of esophagitis. Its ingredients also help against heartburn and reflux.


  • 1 teaspoon licorice root
  • 250 ml of water
  • 1 tablespoon of honey

Preparation and use

  • First bring the water to a boil and add the liquorice root.
  • Then let the tea steep for 10 minutes.
  • Then pour it off and stir in the honey.
  • Drink the tea when you experience heartburn or stomach pain.
  • You can use the remedy twice a day.

3. Soda

Soda on wooden spoon

Soda – also known as soda or sodium hydrogen carbonate – is one of the most effective remedies for esophagitis. Because it balances the pH of the stomach and reduces the burning sensation in the throat.


  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 125 ml of water

Preparation and use

  • First, dissolve the baking soda in the water.
  • Drink the mixture whenever you experience heartburn, up to twice a day.

4. Chamomile tea

Camomile tea

The ingredients in chamomile soothe the stomach by neutralizing the pH and reducing reflux. Therefore, chamomile is particularly good at fighting the burning sensation in the esophagus and stomach.


  • 1 teaspoon chamomile flowers
  • 250 ml of water

Preparation and use

  • First, add the chamomile to a cup of boiling water.
  • Let the tea steep for 10 minutes and then pour it off.
  • Drink 2 to 3 cups of chamomile tea throughout the day.

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