5 Exercises For Trained Arms Without A Gym

Even if you are not in good physical condition, you can work towards trained arms with simple exercises.

5 exercises for trained arms without a gym

There are a number of machines in the gym that can help you achieve  toned arms and a toned body.

However, not everyone has the time to go to the gym. Therefore, it is good to know that there are many home exercises that you can use to achieve the same result.

A lack of time is often used as an excuse. However, many of these exercises do not take long and they do not take up a lot of space either.

So today we want to introduce you to 5 of the best exercises for trained arms that don’t even require you to leave the house.

Start your workout today!

1. Pushups for trained arms

Push-ups for trained arms

Pushups are one of the basic disciplines included in any trained arm training plan. They not only strengthen your arms, but also your entire upper body.

This exercise has a particularly strong effect on the chest area and triceps. Meanwhile, you also have to tense your stomach to keep your back straight.

How do you properly do this exercise?

If you are just starting out with this type of exercise and do not have a lot of strength, you can prop yourself on your knees instead of your feet.

  • Place your hands on the floor a little further than shoulder-width apart and push yourself up and down without buckling your elbows too much.
  • Repeat this 10 to 12 times in 3 sets.
  • You can start training in the classic position as soon as you get a little stronger.

    2. Tricep dips

    Triceps dips help you work out the backs of your arms. A large amount of fat often accumulates in this area.

    This exercise strengthens your back and your entire upper body, among other things.

    How do you properly do this exercise?

    • Start with your back at a table or chair and place your hands on it.
    • Place your feet a hip width away and bend your knees.
    • From this position, you should then bend your arms until they form a right angle. Now lower your hips without them touching the floor.
    • Go back to the starting position and repeat this 12 times.
    • Do three sets.

    3. Overhead press

    Shoulder press for trained arms

    To achieve well-trained arms, you need to train more than just your biceps. The easiest way to make your arms look tighter is to strengthen your shoulders.

    The shoulder press is an exercise that strengthens your upper body. It can also counteract tension in the neck area.

    How do you properly do this exercise?

    • Stand with your knees slightly bent and your back straight.
    • Take dumbbells in both hands and raise them to your ears.
    • From this position, extend your arms until they are just above your head.
    • Move your arms back to the starting position and repeat this 12 to 15 times.
    • Do 3 sets.

    4. Lying butterfly

    This exercise works your arms and shoulders at the same time. It is perfect for building muscle and reducing sagging skin.

    How do you properly do this exercise?

    • Lie on your back on a mat and bend your knees.
    • Take dumbbells in both hands and raise your arms until they’re stretched out in front of your face.
    • Bend your elbows and lower the weights back down until they are level with your ears.
    • Extend your arms again and do 3 sets of 12 repetitions each.

    5. Bicep curls

    Bicep curls for trained arms

    This classic exercise strengthens your biceps, which allows you to tone and define your arms.

    It is important to keep your elbows against your body during this exercise, otherwise they will not be performed correctly and will therefore not be effective.

    How do you properly do this exercise?

    • Bend your knees a little and make sure your back is straight.
    • Take dumbbells in both hands and bend your elbows. While doing this, bring your wrists to your shoulders.
    • Slowly lower your arms again until they are fully extended.
    • Bend your elbows again and repeat 15 times.
    • Do 3 sets.

    Have you been hesitating to workout for the poor at home for a long time? As you can see, there are some simple exercises that don’t require special equipment or professional help.

    Try to do them daily and easily get well trained arms without going to the gym.

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