5 Foods Against Stress

Did you know that blueberries are effective against stress? They contain valuable antioxidants and vitamin C, which also help to delay the aging process. They also promote general wellbeing.

5 foods against stress

Stress  and hectic pace are quite normal in our everyday life. However, it should not be forgotten that too much stress over a long period of time can have serious health consequences.

In this post we introduce 5 foods that are helpful in stressful situations. Of course, other measures such as lifestyle changes, exercise, meditation, etc. are also necessary to effectively combat stress.

Food against stress

1. Sushi

These Japanese fish rolls are very nutritious and healthy. They contain a lot of magnesium as well as omega-3 fatty acids, both of which are very important for reducing stress.

Sushi rolls with salmon or tuna, for example, are particularly recommended.

2. melon

sliced ​​watermelon

This delicious fruit is also recommended in times of stress and stress. It contains a lot of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and protects against illnesses such as flu or colds.

Other types of fruit such as lemons, oranges or grapefruit are therefore very important.

3. Cranberries

Cranberries have a variety of health benefits and are therefore very popular. These  small red berries contain valuable antioxidants (which delay the aging process) and vitamin C.

Both help against stressful situations and promote well-being. You can eat cranberries fresh or dried. Cranberry juice not only tastes delicious, but is also very healthy. Make sure it’s pure juice with no sugar, however.

4. Almonds


Almonds contain important active ingredients such as vitamins B2 and E, magnesium and zinc. These have a stress-relieving effect, but consumption should not be exaggerated, as this delicious dried fruit also contains a lot of fats. A handful a day is recommended.

5. Chocolate

All chocolate lovers will be happy. Because chocolate has a wide variety of health benefits that have also been scientifically proven. However, it should be dark chocolate with the highest possible cocoa content (at least 75%)!

Chocolate makes you happy and promotes general well-being. You can also use it to improve concentration.

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