5 Habits That Will Improve Your Quality Of Life

All you need is a few simple tips to improve your quality of life. Make it a habit!

5 habits that will improve your quality of life

Advice, tips, suggestions, habits … every day we read new articles on how we can improve our quality of life . But what habits actually help us lead better, healthier lives?

Here you will find simple tips that cost nothing but are good for your health. The following 5 habits can improve your quality of life and help you to enjoy life more.

The simplest habits are the best

Improve the quality of life with simple habits

This is not about miraculous foods that will soon go out of style or unusual tips that require sacrifice and motivation.

It’s natural and logical advice that you probably already know, but that you don’t attach too much importance to.

If you incorporate these into your routine, you will achieve the following advantages:

  • Protection and strengthening of your body functions.  Prevention of health problems.
  • A special discipline for keeping your life routines and your goals.
  • Short term and long term savings.
  • More energy and vitality.
  • Balanced state of mind.
  • Positive energy towards others so that they follow your example.

1. Water in the morning on an empty stomach

How many times have you heard this advice? Water in the morning on an empty stomach and during the day, outside of meals, is particularly recommended for detoxifying the body, for weight loss, for beautiful skin and in general for improving body functions.

The problem is that we do not notice when our body needs water, because thirst is an emergency signal that should normally not come. 

If you build this healthy habit into your daily life, you can improve the quality of your life. You probably won’t want to do without it anymore.

2. Avoid processed foods

Avoid processed foods and improve quality of life

Forget about counting calories, fats or sugar! Instead of paying attention to the nutritional values, you should always choose natural and unprocessed products and prepare your meals yourself as best as possible.

Processed foods are mostly made from low quality products. They also contain high levels of refined sugar, salt or flour, hydrogenated fats, additives, flavor enhancers, etc.

These ingredients have no nutritional value and are harmful. Therefore, you should always pay attention to the composition of the food and ideally cook fresh and healthy yourself. Search your old cookbooks, you are sure to find recipes for healthy delicious salads, stews, etc.

3. Use the daylight

When electricity did not yet exist, daylight was used more. People got up at sunrise and went to bed at sunset.

This habit has long been forgotten and in many ways it is of course very beneficial.

However, our body still follows the natural day-night rhythm, which continues to influence the functions of our organism.

Try it yourself, you will notice the difference!

If you get up at sunrise, you have more energy and in the evening, when it gets dark, you can relax better and, for example, lose weight more easily and promote your digestion.

4. Movement

More exercise and improve quality of life

Many spend most of the day sitting down because they work in an office, but this is harmful to their health.

To compensate for this, you should do sport two to three times a week, because exercise is known to be very important for health.

Try to incorporate some exercise during the day as well to avoid more serious health problems.

We recommend that you take a short break every 45 minutes, get up and move your bones and joints a little. This is very important for your health!

5. Learn to breathe properly

In order to live we have to breathe. Most of the time, however, we are not even aware that we are breathing. 

The rhythm of life, stress, pressure, hectic pace, etc. are factors that leave us no time to take a deep breath and learn breathing techniques.

Learn to breathe deeply and relaxed, avoiding slow and shallow breathing. Yoga, Shiatsu, meditation, osteopathy, and various relaxation techniques can be very useful.

When you start to breathe properly, the organism is supplied with more oxygen, which in turn leads to peace and well-being. In this way you can improve your quality of life in the long term.

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