5 Habits To Relieve Symptoms Of Fibromyalgia

Healthy habits help relieve symptoms and prevent complications caused by fibromyalgia.

5 Habits to Help Relieve Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Do you want to know what strategies there are to relieve symptoms of fibromyalgia ? Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that manifests itself as general muscle and bone pain. In addition, there are longer periods of exhaustion, painful pressure points and sleep disorders.

Even if certain medications and complementary therapies are required to treat this condition , certain habits can also provide significant relief from the symptoms. Many of these are also recommended by doctors as they play an important role in pain relief.

What is fibromyalgia?

Treatment plan for fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a disease whose main symptom is persistent muscle and bone pain. Patients with this condition feel exhausted and unable to carry out some of their everyday tasks in a normal manner.

Nonetheless , the symptoms of fibromyalgia are considered subjective as they are difficult to measure using tests.  Fortunately, research over the past few years has helped us understand the disease and diagnose it. A connection with other clinical pictures such as depression and sleep disorders could be established.

Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

To diagnose fibromyalgia , sensitive areas, so-called trigger points, used to be considered. Nowadays, however, these points are no longer so relevant for diagnosis.

Doctors pay more attention to how long certain symptoms have been around. For example, if the pain persists for at least three months, it could indicate fibromyalgia. In order to be able to determine the cause with certainty, however, further medical examinations are carried out.

In addition, the clinical symptoms of fibromyalgia can vary depending on the patient and depending on age, gender, current state of health and habits. The general symptoms include:

  • moderate or severe exhaustion
  • sleep disorders
  • great need for sleep, but this does not relieve tiredness
  • a headache
  • Depression and restlessness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • dull pain in the lower abdomen
  • Cognitive problems

Habits to Relieve Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

There are many treatment options and therapies available to help alleviate the symptoms of fibromyalgia. While doctors usually prescribe additional medication, lifestyle changes can play a crucial role in reducing the frequency and intensity of pain.

1. Sleep well

sleeping woman

Patients suffering from this disease often have trouble getting a good night’s sleep. This creates a “vicious circle” that affects the intensity of the pain. Bad sleep increases exhaustion and pain; the pain, in turn, makes it difficult to fall asleep.

Therefore, it is important to take certain measures that will make it easier to fall asleep at night. First, get rid of all kinds of distractions in the bedroom, including televisions and electronics. Relaxation methods are also very helpful:

  • A lukewarm bath before bed
  • Meditation and breathing exercises
  • Read a book
  • An aromatherapy session

2. Dealing with stress properly

Managing stress properly is an important factor in relieving fibromyalgia symptoms. This emotional state can make the pain and associated discomfort worse. That is why it is important to eliminate the triggers of stress, whether emotional, professional or mental.

You should also take some time for yourself:

  • Meditate
  • breath deep,
  • or devote time to another relaxing activity.

3. Regular exercise

Exercise to Relieve Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

The pain can be an obstacle to exercise. Contrary to what many people think, such activities have a positive effect on the treatment of fibromyalgia. Exercise keeps muscles and joints strong! It also keeps you agile.

A couple of popular options:

  • Swimming and aqua aerobics
  • Walking
  • Cycle
  • Stretching exercises at home

4. Eat a balanced diet

Eating a healthy diet is also one of the most important factors in relieving fibromyalgia symptoms. Many patients also suffer from gastrointestinal problems such as irritable bowel syndrome. Therefore, the nutrition plan should be drawn up by a doctor or nutritionist.

You should largely avoid caffeine, processed and fried foods, and dishes containing sodium and sugar. Instead, the following ingredients are recommended:

  • fruit and vegetables
  • Lean meat and fish
  • Dried fruits and grains
  • Gluten-free cereals

To 5. Acupuncture symptoms of fibromyalgia to relieve


Acupuncture is one of the alternative healing methods used to relieve symptoms of fibromyalgia. In this Far Eastern technique, specific points are treated with needles in order to stimulate the body’s own mechanisms for pain relief.

A study by the Journal of Rehabilitave Medicine found that acupuncture-treated fibromyalgia patients experienced significant improvements over a period of at least two years compared to those who were not treated with it. Another alternative is acupressure.

Warning : After the acupuncture sessions, you may experience pain, easy bleeding and bruising. Always get treated by an experienced expert!


We recommend that you keep a diary of the symptoms and development of the disease. This will help you find out which factors are influencing the pain. Be sure to get medical treatment and regular checkups!

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