5 Healthy Drinks To Treat Anemia

If you are being treated by a doctor, consult your doctor before consuming these drinks.

5 healthy drinks to treat anemia

Anemia is a disease that occurs when the level of hemoglobin in the blood drops. This is about possible causes and we also introduce you to 5 drinks that  can be very effective in  treating anemia.

Anemia almost always occurs due to iron deficiency. As a result, tissues and cells are supplied with too little oxygen, which leads to muscle weakness, difficulty concentrating and skin and hair problems.

Most of the time, anemia occurs when too little iron is taken in through food. In rare cases, a reduced absorption in the intestine is responsible for this.

In some cases, bleeding, kidney failure, and complications from surgical procedures can also lead to anemia.

Treatment is very important to prevent  serious conditions like tachycardia, high blood pressure, or poor memory from occurring.

Fortunately, in addition to medical treatment, there are natural remedies that make it easier to manage symptoms while also speeding up the healing process.

Today we’re introducing you to 5 healthy drinks that are ideal for increasing your iron intake and preventing anemia. You should definitely try them out!

1. Juice made from carrots, radish and watercress used to treat anemia

Treatment of anemia

This mixed drink contains an abundance of iron, potassium and zinc and therefore has a very positive effect on anemia. Because with it we stimulate the production of red blood cells and improve blood circulation. At the same time, the cells are supplied with more oxygen.


  • 1 carrot
  • 1 radish
  • 3 leaves of watercress
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Peel the carrot, cut into several pieces and put in the blender.
  • Cut the radish, wash the watercress leaves and add to the carrot.
  • Add a glass of water and process all of the ingredients until you get a homogeneous drink.


  • Drink the drink on an empty stomach every day until the anemia is cured.

2. Alfalfa, horsetail and green nettle drink used to treat anemia

The combination of these natural ingredients provides the body with vitamins, minerals and powerful antioxidants that aid in the treatment of anemia.

Their uptake improves blood quality and helps counteract the loss of nutrients that lead to weakness and fatigue.


  • 1 teaspoon of alfalfa sprouts (5 g)
  • 1 teaspoon horsetail (5 g)
  • 1/2 tablespoon of green nettle (5 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • Briefly bring the water with the plants to the boil (3-5 minutes) and then remove from the stove.
  • Let the drink steep until it reaches room temperature and then pour it through a sieve.


  • Have a cup of the tea every morning.

3. White wine and fennel seeds used to treat anemia

Treatment of anemia with white wine

White wine and fennel have important antioxidants, essential minerals and fatty acids and are  therefore a perfect complement  to promote red blood cell production  and fight anemia.


  • 2 cups of white wine (500 ml)
  • 3 tablespoons of fennel seeds (30 g)


  • Put the fennel seeds in a bowl with white wine.
  • Cover the drink and let it stand for 5 – 7 days.


  • Strain the drink and drink it daily.

Note : This product is not suitable for minors.

4. Milk and celery used to treat anemia

If you are not lactose intolerant, this milk and celery drink can be a good addition to combat symptoms of anemia.

It contains iron, folic acid and antioxidants that help improve blood quality and improve the supply of oxygen to cells.


  • 3 stalks of celery
  • 1 cup of milk (250 ml)


  • Bring a cup of milk to the boil and then add the celery stalks.
  • Let the drink stand for 10 to 15 minutes at room temperature.


    • Drink 1 cup of it until the anemia is under control.

    5. Grape juice and parsley used to treat anemia

    Treatment of anemia with grape juice

    Grapes contain the antioxidant resveratrol, which removes harmful substances from the blood and prevents cell oxidation. 

    In combination with parsley, you get an excellent home remedy for anemia.


    • 1/2 cup dark grapes (75 g)
    • 2 sprigs of fresh parsley
    • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


    • Wash the grapes and process them well in a blender with fresh parsley and a glass of water.
    • Then pour through a sieve and drink.


    • Drink the juice for 2 to 3 weeks after breakfast.

      Have you been diagnosed with anemia? Do you feel weak and tired? If so, we recommend trying these drinks to benefit from them. If you are being treated by a doctor, consult your doctor first! 

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