5 Home Remedies For Jaw Pain

In this article we introduce you to 5 home remedies for jaw pain. Aside from local treatments, it is important to learn how to avoid stress and get used to bad habits like chewing gum.

5 home remedies for jaw pain

In this article we introduce you to 5 home remedies for jaw pain. Aside from local treatments, it is important to learn how to avoid stress and get used to bad habits like chewing gum.

Jaw pain is more common than you think. Usually they appear suddenly and are perceived as annoying. However, over time they turn into a sharp and intense pain.

The symptoms are mostly different. It is therefore advisable to treat the pain in good time, as it can radiate into the face. Still, you don’t have to worry as there are home remedies for jaw pain that can help.

In general, jaw pain is caused by the temporomandibular joints being misaligned. This happens when there is a misalignment of the teeth or so-called teeth grinding occurs.

Neck injuries or a blow to the jaw can also be a possible cause.

Various home remedies can be used to relieve the discomfort. However, the first thing you should find out is where these come from. Once you know the cause, you can effectively combat this problem.

Changes have to be made, for example in diet or everyday habits.

Reasons for jaw pain

The causes of jaw pain are numerous and each one requires appropriate treatment. Still, home remedies can be helpful.

It should be noted, however, to first consult a doctor. He can tell you the exact cause of your symptoms and tell you the quickest way to get rid of them.

Grinding teeth

Teeth grinding is considered to be one of the main triggers for jaw pain. It is also known as bruxism and is caused by the teeth being rubbed against each other, consciously or unconsciously.

Many people do this while sleeping; others when they are stressed.

The pressure that is exerted is usually five times stronger than when chewing. This wears away the enamel and creates pain in the jaw. If teeth grinding occurs repeatedly, dislocations of the jaw and headaches are also possible consequences.


Osteomyelitis is an infection that affects the bones or tissues. In some people, this arises in the jaw joint. There may be inflammation of the face, high fever, and cheek pain.

Osteomyelitis is curable. The most effective in her case is taking antibiotics. However, surgery may be necessary if the inflammation is very advanced and certain areas of the bone that are too affected by it need to be removed.

Tooth abscess

A tooth abscess is the result of an inflamed nerve. This causes pus to accumulate in certain areas of the tooth. Such an abscess generally occurs when tooth decay has not been treated or other dental problems exist.

  • There are two different types: the periapical tooth abscess occurs in the root of the tooth, and periodontitis in the gums.
  • As soon as the bacteria reach the root of the tooth, they also attack the bone tissue. This is also a cause of jaw pain.
  • The lymph nodes can become infected, causing a fever and an unpleasant smell and taste.

For this reason, a treatment by the dentist should take place in advance.

5 home remedies for jaw pain

Effectively fight jaw pain

Jaw pain can not only have different causes, but also be of different intensity. If not treated in a timely manner, jaw movement can be restricted and eating and speaking can be impaired.

The following 5 home remedies for jaw pain will help you alleviate the discomfort.

1. Ice compresses

Ice compresses provide relief and reduce the inflammation of the nerves, which is why they are good for jaw pain. Do not apply it directly to the skin to avoid hypothermia.

  • Pack ice cream in a plastic bag.
  • Wrap the bag with a cloth.
  • Apply the compress to the affected area for 10 minutes.
  • Wait 10 minutes before putting them on again.

2. moist heat

Moist warmth is created by lukewarm water and relaxes overused muscles. It also stimulates the blood circulation in the affected area, which reduces pain and speeds up the healing process.

You should first check the temperature with your hands before use.

  • Dip a cloth in lukewarm water.
  • Wring it out to get rid of the excess water.
  • Put the cloth on for 10 minutes.
  • Repeat the process every 2 hours until the jaw pain gradually subsides.

3. Improve your diet

There are certain foods you should avoid when you have jaw pain. This particularly includes foods that are too crispy or hard, such as dried fruits, raw vegetables, hard bread or cookies.

Instead, choose soups, cooked vegetables, soft cheeses, and liquid foods.

Avoid chewing gum and caffeine. Otherwise, this will put additional strain on your cheek muscles and your temporomandibular joint, which will make the pain worse and lasting.

Also, try to incorporate foods into your diet that are high in calcium, magnesium, and vitamins A and C.

4. Massage the affected area

The home remedies for jaw pain also include massage. They are helpful in stimulating blood flow to the affected area and relieving tension. Therefore, they are also suitable for relieving jaw pain, regardless of what is causing it to develop.

Make sure you do this gently so as not to create additional pain:

  • Spread olive, coconut oil, or a cream on the jaw area.
  • Use your index and middle fingers to massage the affected area for 5 minutes using circular movements.
  • Open your mouth 4 to 5 times as you do this.
  • Repeat the method 2 or 3 times a day.

5. Combat stress

Stress leads to fatal habits that negatively affect the jaw, such as nail biting or teeth grinding. Therefore, you should use other methods of stress management, such as yoga or meditation.

It is important that you allow yourself enough rest and that you maintain proper cervical spine posture.

You can also do aerobics for 20 to 30 minutes twice a week. Exercise is great for reducing stress and helping the body to produce endorphins, the happiness hormone. Exercise also has a pain-relieving effect and helps against jaw pain.


Yawning wide open, chewing chewing gum or hard food, and improper sitting posture exacerbate the symptoms. Hence, you should try to avoid these little habits to relieve the pain.

These 5 home remedies for jaw pain can be very effective. However, in any case, a specialist should be consulted immediately, because if the pain is sharp, the problem could only worsen.

It is important that you pay enough attention to the symptoms and try to find a remedy in good time.

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