5 Important Things You Didn’t Know Before You Were A Mother

Before you are a mother you have great illusions and imagine how wonderful the experience as a mother will be. However, you should know five things that will help you once that good time comes. Read on!

5 important things you didn't know before you were a mom

“There are so many things I didn’t know before I was a mother.” We often hear this statement from mothers who are already holding their baby in their arms. The passionate journey every mother experiences holds many surprises in store. Some of them you would rather not experience, others are wonderful. There are many things you didn’t know before you were a mother. Today we have summarized five of them for you.

Only experience itself teaches us to understand them. Even if every woman and every experience is unique, there are still many similarities that practically all mothers experience.

5 things you didn’t know before you were a mom

1. You will have to forgive yourself many things

Before you were a mother, you may have had a very superficial idea of ​​motherhood. Even if you have been told a lot by other mothers or have read a lot on the subject, you will not really know what it means to be a mother if you are not already one yourself. Because every experience and every situation is different. You will write your own story yourself.

Not every mother feels love for her child at first sight. The bond sometimes takes time to develop and grow. But you shouldn’t feel guilty, because the important thing is to follow your natural rhythm.

2. Your relationship with your partner is also different than it was before you were a mother

Your relationship with your partner is also different than it was before you were a mother 
Your relationship with your partner will change. However, that does not mean that it is getting worse. But other aspects will be more important in your life now, other priorities will take up most of your time.

The relationship with your partner will change with the arrival of the baby, this is inevitable. However, that doesn’t mean the relationship is getting worse. It is in your hands to make this new phase of life positive for the whole family. 

Before you were a mother, you had other priorities in your life: your partner, your job, your friends … But everything changes with the birth of your child  Now the little treasure is in the center and has to be looked after 24 hours a day. You can’t imagine what exactly that means if you haven’t experienced it yourself.

Hormonal changes, tiredness, need for sleep, stress, worries, decisions … the relationship faces  many challenges that the couple must solve with a lot of patience, love and teamwork. In addition, you have to try to maintain romance and intimate moments.

3. Exercise the pelvic floor

You will get advice from many that you should exercise your  pelvic floor. You may not have given this part of the body much importance until now, but your future quality of life depends on it.

It is best to find out more early on  and start doing so before you are a mother. You can do certain exercises while you are pregnant. This is very important, especially for young women, to avoid involuntary leakage of urine. This often happens, for example, when sneezing or laughing. So you should take this topic seriously!

4. Becoming a mother is not always easy

Becoming a mother is not always easy
Getting pregnant is not always easy. Get advice from your medical examiner if you really want to become a mother and it doesn’t work out after a long time.

Many women hope to get pregnant the first time they try. But that’s not always easy. Even so, it doesn’t mean that either of you is sterile. Doctors recommend couples give each other at least a year. As an aid, you can calculate your fertile days and enter them in a calendar. There are also special tests that can be used to determine the fertile days.

You can also have a doctor examine you to determine possible deficiency symptoms. However, avoid frustration and fear and try to face this new phase of life with illusions and optimism. If it doesn’t work naturally, there are many ways you can become a mother anyway.

5. Before you were a mother, you couldn’t imagine that you would like to relive the first difficult days

The first days and weeks with your newborn  will be difficult and very intense at times. There are not always positive feelings. Nevertheless, you will always think back to this time with longing. Many women would even love to see them again.

You will learn to understand what this expression means: “The days are long, but the years are short.” Therefore, learn and enjoy every moment that life gives you!

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