5 Natural Remedies For Baby Colic

These natural remedies can alleviate unpleasant ailments that your baby suffers from colic. Don’t forget to check with your pediatrician first! 

5 natural remedies for baby colic

Baby colic  worries many parents. Although it is usually not a serious problem, the child still suffers and often cries intensely and for a long time.

In this case, one also speaks of 3-month colic, which regularly leads to violent screaming that can extend over three hours a day and occurs about three times a week.

Baby colic  usually begins  at the age of 2 to 3 months. The exact causes for this have not been adequately researched, but they are probably due to air accumulation in the abdominal area.

These colic usually go away by the age of 4 to 6 months. In some cases, however, older children also suffer from it. 

Fortunately, there are various natural remedies that can relieve the discomfort. However, you need to take your child to the pediatrician first and then follow their advice.

Natural remedies for baby colic

1. Lukewarm envelopes

Baby colic is very uncomfortable

Lukewarm compresses can alleviate the discomfort. You can place it on the stomach area so the child can relax with it. 

What do you need?

  • Towel or absorbent cloth
  • Lukewarm water


  • Moisten the towel with the lukewarm water and then place it on the baby’s tummy.
  • Gently massage the abdomen using circular motions for 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Repeat this treatment twice a day to stimulate the excretion of gases.

    annotation : Do not use a hot water bottle or an electric blanket for your baby, it is still very sensitive!

    2. Mint tea

    Peppermint has calming and digestive properties. You can also use it to reduce baby colic. 

    However, you shouldn’t use this home remedy too often. Instead of using mint essential oil, use mint  tea.


    • ½ tablespoon peppermint (3 g)
    • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


    • Scald the mint with boiling water and let it steep for 20 minutes.
    • Then pour through a sieve to remove the solids.


    • Once the tea has cooled, give your child two to three tablespoons.
    • Repeat this two to three times a day if necessary.

    annotation : Menthol can be very powerful for infants. Therefore, you shouldn’t use more peppermint than recommended. If your baby reacts negatively, you must stop the treatment immediately and take your child to the doctor! 

    3. Chamomile tea

    Chamomile tea against baby colic

    The anticonvulsant and relaxing properties of chamomile  can help your baby. It can use it to expel gases, which are usually responsible for the abdominal pain.


    • ½ teaspoon chamomile (3 g)
    • ½ cup of water (125 ml)


    • Scald the chamomile with boiling water and let it steep for 20 minutes, covered.
    • Then pour through a sieve.


    • Give your child two tablespoons of chamomile tea several times a day.

    4. Relaxing massage against baby colic

    A gentle massage is also very pleasant for your baby and can soothe their pain. The calm movements in the abdominal area stimulate the excretion of gases and alleviate the unpleasant symptoms. 

    What do you need?

    • Baby oil or gentle essential oil (lavender oil, rose oil …)


    • Rub a few drops of the oil in your hands to warm it up.
    • Then use it to massage your child’s stomach in a clockwise circular motion.
    • Repeat these movements for 3 to 5 minutes until the child calms down.

    5. Fennel seed tea against baby colic

    Fennel seed tea against baby colic

    Another gentle method against baby colic is fennel seed tea. You can mix this with chamomile to make the natural remedy even more effective.

    Both plants are characterized by digestive properties  that can help alleviate flatulence. 


    • ½ teaspoon chamomile (3 g)
    • ½ teaspoon fennel seeds (3 g)
    • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


    • Boil the chamomile and fennel seeds over with hot water.
    • Then leave it covered for about 20 minutes and then pour it through a sieve.


    • Give your baby 2 to 3 tablespoons of it and repeat the treatment if the symptoms persist.

    annotation : Do not use this treatment more than three times a day.

    Baby colic is very common, but it usually goes away on its own after a few months. You shouldn’t worry too much, but it will take a lot of patience to calm your child down.

    Don’t forget  to see a doctor before treating your child with these natural remedies! 

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