5 Recipes For Constipation

Constipation is very unpleasant, but natural remedies can often be used to remedy the problem. Also, talk to your doctor if you have frequent constipation.

5 recipes for constipation

Constipation is uncomfortable. It often happens when traveling, on vacation or in unfamiliar surroundings, when stress, lack of exercise and when eating unfamiliar. There are many ways to prevent it – and there are plenty of delicious constipation recipes too !

Constipation – Causes and Facts

A sluggish bowel usually sits in a sluggish body. Those who move a lot rarely have constipation – and vice versa. If the bowel gets stuck, regular exercise often helps to keep it happy.

Grandpa’s digestive walk had good reasons! If you don’t drink enough, your intestines are not getting enough fluid to work optimally – the stool becomes hard and firm. Two liters of water are the minimum for a sluggish bowel, but for constipation it can always be more!

You don’t have to go to the nearest pharmacy straight away to get (usually expensive) help; tried and tested, gentle natural home remedies can often be found in the kitchen cupboard.

There are some foods that can be effective in preventing and even relieving constipation. In today’s modern diet with many industrially manufactured meals and foods, there is a lack of fiber.

Dietary fiber ensures a high volume of stool and nourishes the healthy intestinal bacteria – our actual digestive organ. A lot of fiber can be found in whole grain products, fruits and vegetables (preferably with the skin on) and legumes such as peas, beans and lentils.

So today we’d like to share some high-fiber recipes for you with constipation.

Recipes for constipation

lentil stew

lentil stew

A delicious dish for the cold season. Lentils and vegetables provide a lot of fiber, which increases the volume of stool and thus aids digestion.

  • 1 can of pre-cooked brown lentils
  • 1 onion
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 piece of celeriac
  • Ham or bacon cubes
  • hot dog
  • Vegetable broth

Dice the onion and cut the carrots and celery into small pieces. Fry the onion cubes and the ham or bacon cubes in a little oil (you don’t need any oil with the bacon cubes)

Add chopped carrots and celery and pour about 250ml vegetable stock. Let simmer for about 10 minutes.

Then add the can of pre-cooked lentils and heat. Finally, warm up the sausage in it – do not cook – otherwise the sausage will burst!


Kefir with currants

Kefir contains healthy lactic acid bacteria that are very similar to those in the intestinal flora. In this way, kefir contributes to a healthy intestinal flora that regulates digestion.

Currants contain a lot of fiber due to the kernels and firm skin of the individual berries. Put the kefir in a bowl, pluck the currants from the stalk and see if you need to sweeten.

If the kefir or berries taste too sour for you, find healthy or calorie-free alternatives to sugar, such as stevia.


Muesli with flax seeds and dried fruits

A tried and tested and so simple remedy for constipation is still the prune. It doesn’t matter whether you soak them in water overnight or enjoy them dry.

Flaxseed swells many times over in the digestive tract and the pressure it creates stimulates the intestinal muscles to move and to end the constipation.

To do this, adults take a tablespoon of whole flaxseed 3 times a day with their meals. For example, sprinkled over a cereal.

It is important to drink a lot throughout the day to give the flaxseed the liquid it needs to swell! Oatmeal is also high in fiber, which literally “drives out” constipation.


Fruit with chia

Chia seeds contain 4 times more fiber than flax seeds. In addition, the seeds swell and bind a lot of water. So if you have eaten chia seeds, you have to drink a lot afterwards to give the seeds liquid to swell!

A basic recipe is the “Chia Gel”, so you always have pre-soaked seeds ready to quickly spice up smoothies or other recipes such as fruit salad. To do this, the seeds are mixed with liquid in a ratio of 1: 6. For example types of milk or water.

After about two hours, everything is swollen to a kind of gel mass and stays fresh in the refrigerator for several days. Use the chia gel as a “dressing” for your fruit salad or mix it with a smoothie!

Whole grain bread with flax seeds

whole grain products

It is true that whole grain products don’t always taste better than white flour products. But if you have digestive problems, you should support them by using wholemeal flour.

Simply mix 30% wholemeal flour into the white flour for every recipe and try how good, for example, wholemeal noodles taste with pan-fried vegetables.

A strong wholemeal bread tastes delicious with cheese and a pumpernickel with salmon … makes your mouth water – and your intestines!

We hope you like our constipation recipes and work quickly!

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