5 Types Of Flowers To Beautify Your Balcony

It only takes 5 types of flowers to conjure up a small garden out of your balcony. We present them to you so that you can enjoy different colors and smells.

5 types of flowers to beautify your balcony

It only takes 5 types of flowers to conjure up a small garden out of your balcony. We present them to you so that you can enjoy different colors and smells.

These 5 types of flowers are those that are suitable for planting on the balcony. So you can easily fill a small or larger area with colors, different smells and life in an ecological way – just as you like it.

Make your lifeless balcony a cozy place where you enjoy spending time. You can enjoy the sight of your new flowers and take care of them at the same time. They also have many advantages for you:

  • Stress is reduced due to the care, colors and soothing smells.
  • Satisfaction arises at the sight of the independent cultivation and its result.
  • The flowers give off natural scents without the use of chemicals.
  • The ambient air becomes fresher and cleaner.
  • They create a pleasant atmosphere.

5 types of flowers for your balcony

Before you decide on flowers that you want to plant on your balcony or terrace, you should consider a few things. If you are decorating the site for a long period of time, it is important that the plants there do not suffer.

Basically, the following points are relevant:

  • the amount of sun exposure they get
  • the wind that blows in the chosen place,
  • the ability of flowers to adapt to large amounts of rain,
  • knowledge of how and at what time intervals they are to be poured and
  • continuous care.

1. Geraniums


Geraniums are flowers that can be grown well outdoors and are characterized by their strong and lively colors. They give off a pleasant scent and are easy to grow. They are also very resistant and bloom in summer.

There are many types of geranium, but what they all have in common is that they can adapt perfectly to an environment such as the balcony. To care for them, you should consider the following:

  • Make sure they get plenty of sun.
  • Don’t expose them to the cold.
  • Water them twice a week.
  • Fertilize them every 15 days.
  • Cut them in spring.

2. Begonias


Begonias stand out for their dense flowers and their bright colors, which is why they look good on the balcony. Their richness of color includes red, orange, pink, white and yellow.

Due to their shape, the leaves are reminiscent of hearts, can often appear hanging and are quite large. In order to get begonias to grow, the following should be observed:

  • Put them in a place with moderate shade.
  • Make sure the sun is not shining directly on you.
  • Provide them with plenty of earth.
  • Water them three times a week.
  • Try not to move them around.

3. Petunias

Petunias reach a height of 30 to 50 centimeters and grow close together, which is why they are ideal balcony plants. The flowers can be straight or slightly wavy.

Their color variations include red, pink, purple or even striped types. Petunias are also characterized by their strong scent.

How to properly care for them:

  • Water them abundantly and daily at first, but be careful not to wet the flowers.
  • Put them in a place with lots of sun.
  • Fertilize them every 15 days during their flowering period.

4. Pansies


If you want to create a colorful and happy environment, pansies should not be missing. These are small flowers that come in different colors and can be perfectly combined with each other.

Their flowering period begins at the beginning of spring and they survive almost the entire cold period. Pansies can be planted in pots and flower boxes of different sizes or as a hanging growth.

Therefore, they are a great way to beautify your balcony.

How to care for them:

  • You should first plant them in mother earth.
  • Make sure they are in a sunny spot.
  • Water them thoroughly once a week.
  • Make sure not to wet the leaves or flowers! Otherwise, fungi can spread.

5. Zinnias

The zinnia, also called paper flower, should not be missing from the 5 types of flowers. Depending on the variety, it can reach a height of 15 to 90 centimeters. It impresses with its intense yellow and an orange center, although other variations can also be found.

There are, for example, one-tone and two-tone types. The petals can also be either single or double. The zinnia is also known to attract butterflies.

You should keep these points in mind:

  • Make sure they get plenty of sun and warm temperatures.
  • Plant them in flower pots or in the garden.
  • Water them regularly, but without moistening the leaves.
  • Fertilize every 15 days (only during the flowering period).
  • Do not expose them to frost.
  • It is not necessary that you cut them.

Before you decide on balcony plants, you should inform yourself well about the individual care instructions so that they can grow easily and permanently. If you keep this in mind, you can conjure up a small sea of ​​flowers from your balcony with the help of these 5 types of flowers.

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