6 Bad Habits That Make You Old

Bad habits such as tobacco or a lack of exercise can accelerate skin aging!

6 bad habits that make you old

The aging of the organism is a natural, unstoppable process that we must all accept. However, certain habits can make you old  faster  without you becoming aware of them.

The skin and all other organs and tissues experience various changes over time. These signs of aging become particularly apparent from the age of 45 or 50 

The first wrinkles appear and other signs can be seen that make you  old.

Often we are not even aware of these harmful habits, but as soon as the first signs of age appear, many people experience a reduced self-esteem.

Although there are numerous products and therapies on the market to stop the signs of the times,  this is an impossibility. 

However, you can try to delay it for as long as possible by grooming yourself appropriately and breaking unhealthy habits.

But what exactly can you do? Take care of yourself daily to maintain your beauty and renounce harmful habits that make you old. We’ll tell you some of them afterwards. Take care! 

Bad habits that make you old

You should start caring for your skin at a young age so that the first signs of age appear as late as possible.

The environment is heavily polluted with pollutants and fine dust,  which also has a negative effect on the skin. If you want to prevent premature aging, you should therefore stay away from heavily polluted surroundings as much as possible.

Genetic factors also play a role in the aging process: not everyone has the first wrinkles at the same age.

What is certain, however, is that you cannot prevent aging through healthy lifestyle habits, but you can at least delay it for as long as possible and  at the same time ensure a good quality of life. 

We’ll now name various habits that make you old, and which you should therefore do without.

1. Too much makeup

too much makeup can make you old

The purpose of make-up is to make women more beautiful, but what many fail to realize is that the frequent use of make-up can also have negative sides for the health of the skin.

The residues collect in the pores and sometimes lead to impurities.

If the pores are clogged,  the tissue cannot be supplied with sufficient oxygen and can therefore age prematurely. 


  • Only use makeup for special occasions, not every day. Your skin needs time to breathe.
  • Cleanse the skin of your face daily to remove cosmetic residue and dirt.

2. Tobacco use

It is well known that cigarettes contain innumerable pollutants that not only put a lot of strain on the respiratory system,  but also cause the skin to age faster. 

The harmful chemicals impair the oxygen supply to the cells and make it difficult for the tissue to regenerate.

It also dries out the skin and becomes weaker. This leads to the premature formation of wrinkles. Skin spots at a relatively young age can also be the result.


  • The best thing to do is to quit smoking completely! We know that this is not easy, but there are numerous aids and possibilities to put an end to this vice. With strong willpower, you can achieve your goal.
  • If you don’t smoke, try not to spend long periods of time in rooms where people are smoking, because passive tobacco consumption is also harmful to the body and skin!

3. No sun protection

The sun can make you old

Daily use of sunscreen  is a very important measure to prevent premature aging. This can reduce the harmful effects of UV radiation.

It is not enough to only use sunscreen on sunny days or on the beach. Even on cloudy days, UV rays penetrate, which can make your skin old. Use sunscreen every day!


  • Choose sunscreen with a factor of at least 30  if you are going to be exposed to direct sunlight.
  • You can also protect yourself with clothing and accessories: long-sleeved blouse, sun hat, sunglasses, etc.

4. Insufficient sleep

Poor sleep quality not only has negative consequences for general health, but also for the skin. During sleep, processes take place that repair skin damage that occurs during the day. 

If you sleep less than 7 hours straight, your blood circulation will also suffer, which can lead to premature wrinkling, dark circles, or sagging skin.


  • Make sure you sleep regularly and give yourself enough time to recover during the night.
  • If you suffer from insomnia, various natural remedies can help. In any case, get to the bottom of the cause and seek advice from your doctor.

5. Poor nutrition can make you old

poor nutrition can make you old

Bad habits that make you old also include poor nutrition. The vital substances that we absorb through food are essential for healthy, young skin. For this reason, you should eat a varied, healthy diet to prevent premature aging.

Too much unhealthy fat and sugar, as well as finished products, affect the production of collagen and elastin, which leads to premature aging of the skin.

In addition, many foods contain harmful chemicals that are harmful to health and make you old.

If you consume these foods frequently, they will also negatively affect blood circulation and oxygen supply. 


  • Whenever possible, opt for fresh, regional organic products: fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meat.
  • Avoid processed products, ready meals, sausage products and industrial baked goods if possible. 
  • Avoid commercially available carbonated soft drinks and drink plenty of water instead.

6. Sedentary lifestyle

A lack of exercise also has negative consequences for health, as is well known. What many fail to take into account, however, is that the skin suffers from it too.

Movement is essential for a vital, healthy body. You should exercise daily to  get rid of pollutants and prevent premature aging. 


  • Set aside at least 30 minutes for exercise every day.
  • If you are restricted in your movements, you should seek advice from a professional trainer.

You now know which habits make you old faster. It is now up to you to get rid of these  and adopt healthier habits. If you take care of your mind and body, you will stay young longer!

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