6 Exercises For The Hands Against Unpleasant Complaints

If you stretch your hands every now and then and do other exercises, you can stimulate the blood circulation in this area and avoid problems that arise due to certain bad postures

6 exercises for the hands against unpleasant ailments

The hands are heavily strained every day, because they are almost always used somehow. That is why today we are introducing you to various  exercises for the hands  that can help you avoid unpleasant discomfort. This allows you to keep your hands flexible and healthy.

Often we always make the same monotonous movements with our hands, which can harm us in the long run. So that this doesn’t happen to you, you should definitely take a look at our exercises for the hands .

There are two diseases that the hands suffer from particularly often: carpal tunnel syndrome and tendinitis. Both are mostly caused by poor posture of the hands and monotonous movements. 

The carpal tunnel syndrome

Exercises for the hands to prevent carpal injury syndrome

Among other things, the nerve that moves the fingers and reports sensations runs through the carpal tunnel on the wrist. Narrowing the carpal tunnel damages this nerve, which is very painful.

This restricts the ability of the hands to move,  the fingers feel numb and the pain can be very intense.

  • The correct position of the hands during various activities is important in preventive care.
  • If you do work that involves repeating the same movements over and over, you should always take breaks! 

In severe cases, surgery is sometimes necessary.

You can do the following hand exercises at any time of the day. They can be very helpful.

6 exercises for the hands

1. The rope

Exercises for the hands: the rope

For this exercise, you fold your hands so that the fingers are on top of each other.

  • Then loosen the fingers from each other several times in a row and bring them back together again.
  • You should repeat this exercise five times for each pair of fingers.

2. Thumb exercise

In this exercise, the fingertip of the thumb is gradually brought to the other fingers.

  • We start with the index finger and stop with the little finger. Then it goes in the other direction.
  • Repeat this exercise five times with each hand.

3. The butterfly

Exercises for the hands: the butterfly

This exercise  involves placing your palms together, and then stretching your fingers back as far as possible using pressure with your other hand.

  • Hold this position for at least five seconds.
  • Then interlace your fingers and press together for another five seconds.
  • Do ten repetitions a day.

4. The abyss

In this exercise, you have to interlace your fingers in the middle so that the hand is straight.

  • Bend your fingers down and your wrist up at the same time. Hold for a second and return to the starting position.
  • Do ten repetitions a day.

5. The hill

Exercises for the hands: the hill

Press your palms and fingers together.

  • Start with this position at chest height and then for the  arms as far down as possible, if possible to  hip height. Then return to the starting position.
  • Repeat this exercise ten times a day.

6. The swing

In this exercise, press your palms and fingers together and hold them at chest level.

  • Squeeze your palms together for at least 5 seconds.
  • Do five repetitions a day.

To avoid problems, do these hand exercises regularly, especially if you work in the office.

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