6 Exercises You Can Do To Burn Calories

If you want to burn calories but are not used to exercising, start slowly to prevent injury. Gradually you can then increase the intensity and time of the exercises.

6 exercises you can do to burn calories

Exercise is one of the best habits for promoting a stable weight and good physical and mental health. This stimulates the burning of energy in the body and you can burn calories.

In addition  , you can keep muscles and joints healthy  and make them more resilient.

There are many different ways to exercise every day without going to the gym.

You can do many exercises in the comfort of your own home or in a park. Today we have put together 6 exercises for you to burn calories with . You too can benefit from it!

1. Climbing stairs

Burn calories climbing stairs

Going up and down stairs can burn between 300 and 500 calories,  depending on how long you do this exercise.

Of course, you can also climb the stairs to work instead of taking the elevator. Make this a habit and part of your training.

You should be careful how you put your feet on the ground, as too much pressure could damage your  knees.

If you haven’t exercised in a long time, you should start gradually, a few minutes is enough, because too much could be harmful at first.

2. Running

Running at a good pace and without stopping can burn between 325 and 450 calories (if you run 1 mile in 8 minutes).

It is a very complete cardiorespiratory exercise that  activates the metabolism, strengthens the legs and improves physical performance.

As with the previous exercise, the posture of the legs should be correct to prevent possible injuries.

You can start with 8 to 10 minutes and gradually increase the time to gradually increase your endurance.

3. Squats

Burn calories with squats

Squats are also performed in almost every professional workout because the whole body benefits from it.

Not only can you use it to reduce calories,  but you can also strengthen your glutes, legs and stomach.

There are different ways and intensities of doing squats. For example, you can use dumbbells in addition to the classic movement to increase the effect.

You can also do lunges, jump, or do the exercises with a professional weight bar.

However, start slowly and don’t overdo the exercises. Always pay attention to a correct posture. In order to burn 80 calories, it is recommended to do 8 series of 20 repetitions each with a 45 second break in between.

4. Jump rope

Jumping rope is no longer just child’s play. This exercise is excellent for losing weight. This increases energy consumption and effectively reduces body size.

If you jump the rope between 100 and 200 times, you can burn about 13 calories. The speed with which the exercise is carried out is decisive.

Jumping rope trains more muscle groups than running. It is also a good exercise for balance, coordination, and concentration.

5. Cycling

Burn calories while cycling

Regardless of whether you use the classic bicycle or an exercise bike:  Cycling is a very healthy cardiovascular training that  can be used to strengthen various muscle groups.

If you exercise intensely for 45-60 minutes,  you can lose between 300 and 400 calories.

In addition, you can strengthen the following body parts with cycling:

  • legs
  • Po
  • belly
  • poor
  • lower back

6. Dancing

Dancing is not only a lot of fun, it can also be used to train the body very effectively and lose weight at the same time! Depending on the intensity and rhythm can be here  for burn wipe 180 and 200 calories per session. 

Moving rhythms such as swing, merengue or salsa are particularly suitable for this and can also be used to perform low-intensity aerobic exercises.

Zumba with different rhythms is also highly recommended!

You can use it to strengthen your legs and buttocks and also train your stomach area. In addition, dancing helps for better flexibility, resistance and coordination skills.

If you have any doubts about the suggested exercises, you can consult a trusted doctor or trainer to make sure that these exercises are recommended for you.

Don’t forget to start exercising slowly if you are not used to it. Gradually you can increase the intensity and time of the exercises to develop more endurance and resilience.

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