6 Foods That Can Lead To Kidney Stones

Kidney stones can be very painful, so it is worth avoiding certain foods that can prevent their formation. In addition, it is advisable to drink enough water to promote the removal of deposits.

6 foods that can lead to kidney stones

Kidney stones can develop for a variety of reasons. Among other things, food can also lead to kidney stones. These are small, crystalline deposits that can clog the urinary tract and lead to intense pain.

Since certain foods can also lead to kidney stones ,  you should rather avoid them or only consume them rarely. 

Then you will find out what food it is.

Foods that can lead to kidney stones

Diet is important to prevent stone formation and to drain deposits from the organism.

As the saying goes: “Prevention is the best medicine.” This is also true here.

This is why it is good to know more about foods to avoid if you are prone to kidney stones or have suffered from them in the past.

1. Caffeine

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks because it spreads a delicious aroma and makes you perk up. But it also has unpleasant side effects.

One of them is  that the kidneys have to work harder and the risk of kidney stones increases. 

Caffeine is not only found in coffee, but also in various teas and cola drinks.

All of these drinks increase urinary calcium levels and  can lead to long-term kidney failure  because they contain stimulants.

2. Red meat

6 foods that can lead to kidney stones: red meat

Proteins and fats of animal origin can also lead to kidney stones.

Anyone who eats too much of it  must note that the various elements can only be removed from the organism with difficulty. 

In addition, red meat is high in uric acid and purines. If the uric acid level is too high, gout and kidney stones can occur.

Other foods high in purines are asparagus, legumes, and cabbage. You shouldn’t eat these too often as they can lead to kidney stones and increase uric acid levels.

3. Artificial sweeteners

These are often used for teas, coffee or desserts and can also be found in light drinks and low-calorie products.

Many think these are better than sugar for health,  but they have many side effects, including the formation of kidney stones  and damage to the kidneys.

4. Salt

6 foods that can lead to kidney stones: salt

Salt is a problem in nutrition because too much of it is usually consumed.

Ready-made products in particular contain a lot of salt, and this can even be found in sweets as a flavor enhancer.

If you eat too much salt, it promotes the storage of fluids in the tissue and the formation of kidney stones. The body cannot drain the excess baking soda and it is stored.

It also increases blood pressure and weight.

5. Seafood

6 foods that can lead to kidney stones: seafood

Those who are prone to kidney stones should avoid foods high in oxalate. This organic matter contributes to the accumulation of sodium and calcium in the kidneys.

Examples of foods that are high in oxalic acid are seafood. But green leafy vegetables, chocolate and nuts also contain plenty of them.

It is also advisable  to reduce your consumption of peanuts, wheat bran and beetroot to  prevent kidney stones.

Other foods that are low in oxalate are celery and liver, so both should not be eaten too often.

Don’t forget that no more than 50 mg of oxalate per day is recommended.

To reduce absorption, it is recommended to eat foods rich in calcium. When the two are combined, they can be more easily removed through the intestines.

6. Dairy products

Dairy products are an important part of the diet for many and are on the menu almost every day.

They contain calcium and are therefore important for the development and strengthening of bones. However, people prone to kidney stones shouldn’t overeat them.

Milk, yoghurt or cheese can increase the excretion of calcium in the urine and thus make it more difficult to remove kidney stones and residues.

If the excretion of calcium in the urine is stimulated, this can also lead to stone formation.

However, you shouldn’t completely eliminate calcium from your diet. It is best to get this mineral from a variety of sources (such as almonds).

What can you eat to prevent kidney stones?

Foods that may lead to kidney stones and what to do about them

You now know which foods to avoid, but what should you eat to prevent kidney stones?

In addition to a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle habits (exercise, no tobacco …), we recommend drinking at least 3 liters of water a day.

Usually 2 liters is recommended, but if kidney stones are already present this amount should be increased.

If you drink 3 liters of water a day, you will produce 2 liters of urine. In this way, the deposits and residues can be better discharged through the urine.

If you get bored with so much water, you can combine it with teas and natural juices. This is how you supply your organism with important nutrients.

But be careful: Coffee, alcohol and soft drinks are not included in the fluid consumption of 2-3 liters of water.

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