6 Home Remedies For The Treatment Of Keloids

Keloids are scars that appear after a skin injury as a result of overgrown scar tissue. Learn how you can improve the complexion.

6 home remedies to treat keloids

Keloids are scars that appear after a skin injury as a result of overgrown scar tissue. Today we introduce you to various home remedies for treating  keloids .

These scars can form after surgery, a traumatic wound, burn, chickenpox, acne, sun exposure, or abrasion. They form over the wounds due to an overgrowth of fibroblasts.

Usually this does not cause any discomfort, it is a purely aesthetic problem.

Various home remedies can improve the appearance of keloids . However, don’t expect the scars to go away entirely.

Natural treatment for keloids

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar used to treat keloids

Apple cider vinegar is inexpensive and excellent for skin health. It can also help reduce keloids, but must be used over a long period of time.


  • Apply some apple cider vinegar directly to the affected area and massage gently into the skin until the vinegar is completely absorbed.
  • Let it dry for a few minutes and then repeat the process to improve the results.
  • This application is carried out two to three times a day over a period of four to five weeks.

If an allergic reaction occurs when using the vinegar, it can be diluted in equal parts with water.

Baking soda

Soda is very versatile. The white powder has a strong abrasive effect and is therefore often used as a peeling. Baking soda can also be very helpful with keloids.


  • Mix 1 part baking soda with 3 parts hydrogen peroxide (3%) in a bowl to make a paste.
  • This is applied directly to the affected area to reduce swelling and promote healing.
  • This treatment should be repeated three to four times a day.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice

Lemon is known for its vitamin C content and has many uses. You can also use them on keloids.

This can be used to improve the color, texture, flexibility, and appearance. Remember, however, that lemon can cause skin spots if exposed to the sun. Therefore, only use this home remedy in the evening.


  • Before going to bed in the evening, apply a little lemon juice directly to the affected area.
  • Let it work for half an hour and then rinse off with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this treatment every night for as long as necessary.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera has long been used for skin care. This gel has moisturizing, antibiotic and regenerating properties. Aloe vera is excellent for treating keloids. It also protects the skin from infection.


  • Wash the affected area well with a little lukewarm water.
  • Cut open an aloe leaf and remove the gel. This is placed directly on the scar. Repeat twice a day.

Sandalwood and rose water


Sandalwood has regenerative properties and helps reduce scars. It also keeps the skin young. Roses have a strengthening effect and give the skin more firmness.

The combination creates an excellent home remedy for treating keloids.


  • Make a viscous paste out of sandalwood powder and rose water.
  • Clean the scar well and apply the paste before going to bed.
  • Rinse off with lukewarm water the next morning.
  • Use this treatment every day for two months.


Garlic can also be very helpful in treating keloids. The white tuber prevents the excessive growth of fibroblasts.


  • Crush or squeeze a raw clove of garlic and apply it directly to the affected area. Let it work for 10 minutes.
  • Then rinse with lukewarm water. Repeat this treatment daily.

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