6 Signs That You Are A Victim Of Verbal Abuse

Verbal abuse does not have to have to do with aggressive language or a loud voice. There are also very subtle forms that can intimidate us and make us feel inferior

6 signs you are a victim of verbal abuse

When we hear the word “abuse” we automatically think of physical aggression. However, there is also verbal abuse. Although this does not leave any visible damage, the victims of verbal abuse do not suffer any less as a result.

Since it is not visible, it is more difficult to tell when someone is a  victim of verbal abuse . For this reason, you should look out for the following signs:

1. You feel scared even if you are not yelled at

Verbal abuse victims are scared

Ironically, we can find ourselves thinking that verbal abuse is synonymous with yelling, but that’s not always the case. In fact, the verbal or psychological abuser is manipulating the victim and making them doubt themselves.

He may even speak to the victim in a friendly and loving tone. Even someone who does not behave aggressively  can abuse them. For example, threats can be made explicitly or implicitly.

Are you worried about how the other person might react if you don’t do something? Are you scared of their comments all the time? Do you pay attention to every word and every movement so as not to upset them?

2. They compare you or blame you for everything

We all want our individuality to be respected and accepted for who we are. However , verbal abuse often lowers our self-esteem as we are compared and blamed.

Nobody likes to be constantly compared to others who are smarter, prettier, or do everything better. In addition, there is often a reproachful or condescending tone. Gradually, this destroys self-confidence.

  • As soon as you notice the problem, you should try to get out of the situation.
  • Remember that no one has the right to make you feel inferior.
  • Hand in hand with the comparison goes the guilt. Often times, the perpetrators make you feel guilty. Even for the smallest details.

3. You feel intimidated all the time as a victim of verbal abuse

When you are a victim of verbal abuse, you feel intimidated

If you are a victim of verbal abuse, you may often feel intimidated around that person.

This sign can often be very subtle, ranging from jokes, jokes, or derogatory comments to inappropriate words that damage your self-esteem.

Needless to say, intimidation can reach worrying levels and eventually leave you feeling compelled to do something you don’t want or find humiliating.

4. You feel like you are being accused or questioned all the time

Another sign that you are a victim of verbal abuse are direct attacks due to a lack of security and trust on the part of the perpetrator. This lack of confidence is usually related to low self-esteem, which leads to constant questioning of your behavior.

  • These questions and accusations may be gradual, so you need to be careful when exactly this situation arises.
  • A common mistake is to provide explanations to calm the other’s fears. The problem is that it only gets worse over time.

    5. Negative effects on your mood

    If you are a victim of verbal abuse, your mood will be negatively affected

    Everything that surrounds us has an impact on us. Because of this, verbal abuse can have various consequences for us, which we will notice if we pay attention.

    • Try to be aware of your mood when you are around others: do you notice which ones make you happy? And who is robbing you of energy?

    When you notice that there is someone you always feel uncomfortable with, be it sad or annoyed, it is time to get out of their way.

    • Sometimes we have a hard time realizing that people can affect our mood, but you should accept that and stay away.
    • It is very important to pay attention to your feelings, regardless of your expectations, as the abuse of these people is usually very subtle.

    When it comes to your partner or someone you love, you should try to be objective to see what is harming you. Based on this, you can decide what steps you will take to improve your situation.

    6. You become the perpetrator yourself

    People often adopt behaviors that they see in others. In the case of abuse , many victims of verbal abuse become perpetrators themselves.

    For example, a child who grew up in an environment where their parents did not control their emotions can become an aggressive adult who is also out of control of their emotions.

    Of course, there are ways to change these behaviors and break this cycle. The best thing to do in this case is to see a specialist who can help you deal with the abuse  and build healthy relationships.

    Defend yourself against verbal abuse

    It is not easy to recognize and accept that you are a victim of verbal abuse. Don’t forget that your well-being depends on the attention you give to your current situation.

    Before thinking about how people around you will react, it is better to remember that your main concern should be yourself.

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