6 Tips For A Long Life … And A Secret Recipe!

6 tips for a long life ... and one secret recipe!

A long life. Healthy lifestyles and proper personal hygiene can contribute to a longer life while improving the quality of life.

Do you pay attention to a balanced diet? Do you exercise every day? Are you positive nature In this post you will learn more about the secret to a long life and how you can increase your life expectancy through your diet.

Tips for a long life

Healthy eating

A healthy diet is essential for a long life and a good quality of life. In particular, we recommend consuming foods that contain valuable antioxidants, such as  fruit, vegetables, whole grain products and lean meat.

Avoid too many calories, sugar, white flour, and other refined foods.

A healthy breakfast

Healthy breakfast for a long life

Since breakfast is the most important meal of the day, we would like to mention it again. Various studies have found that having a healthy breakfast is the key to preventing obesity and diabetes.

The first meal of the day stimulates the metabolism, improves digestion and also provides the necessary energy for the whole day.


Regular exercise is also recommended over and over again for good health and adequate weight. Sport is crucial for a long life as well as mental and physical well-being.

There is no need to spend long hours in the gym to benefit from it. Experts recommend a daily routine of about 30 minutes, then life is about 3 years longer.

Get enough sleep

Sleep a lot for a long life

Lack of sleep can seriously affect the quality of life. Therefore, you should follow a healthy sleep routine to avoid physical and emotional health problems.

Various studies claim that lack of sleep leads to an increased risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and obesity.

Good oral hygiene

Dr. Michael Roizens explains in his book “The real age makeover” that good oral hygiene can add 6.4 years to life.

Dental diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis can also result in problems such as arterial constriction or other cardiovascular diseases.

Therefore, it is recommended that you clean your teeth regularly and thoroughly and use dental floss. Oil pulling and mouthwashes are also very helpful.

Mental activity

Mental Activity for Long Life

For a long life and a good quality of life, it is very important to keep your memory active.

You can improve your cognitive performance through intellectual activities such as reading, brain training games, learning new things, and other activities that interest you and satisfy your curiosity.

Secret recipe for a long life

In addition to the above tips for a long life, we also recommend the following secret recipe that promotes general health: 

This powerful drink is recommended on fasting days. It protects the heart and blood vessels and consequently prevents various cardiovascular problems. The drink is easy to make and, if consumed regularly, promotes health well into old age.


  • 2 liters of red wine
  • 200 g honey
  • 200 g of fresh nettle leaves


  • Put the wine and nettle leaves in a bowl.
  • Let the mixture steep for 24 hours, then strain and heat over medium heat.
  • Bring to a boil, remove from heat and dissolve honey in it.
  • Pour the liquid into a bottle and drink some of it every morning on an empty stomach.
  • The taste is very good and after a few weeks you will notice that you feel healthier.

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