7 Foods That Make You Fat As Fast As Ready-made Meals

Avoiding these 7 foods is easy. This prevents unnecessary bacon pillows.

7 foods that make you fat just as quickly as ready-made meals

With some foods and dishes, for example “Currywurst with French fries”, everyone knows that primarily our fat cells are happy about them and make them  fat.

But there are also foods that do not look so unhealthy at first glance, but make you fat . We have selected seven of them for you.

Foods that make you fat

White bread

White bread makes you fat

One might think that white bread is simply “water baked with flour” and is therefore not harmful to health. No fat in it, no sugar on it – what should be so unhealthy?

It is the white flour itself, because white flour is metabolized by the body almost like sugar. Due to the lack of fiber, the starch can be metabolized very quickly and then causes the blood sugar level to rise quite high in a relatively short time.

This does not only apply to white bread, of course, but to all other products made from white flour: baked goods, cakes, pasta, … Even bread and rolls that look dark are, in many cases, only white flour products colored with sugar!

This not only applies to wheat flour, but also to other finely ground types of flour. It depends on the degree of grinding of the flour, not the type or color!

What can you do? Try to find real whole grain baked goods. Avoid baked goods that do not get their dark coloring from the color, but from the natural ingredients of the flour!

The more such ingredients remain in the flour, the more minerals and fiber it contains. And the latter fill you up longer and are not metabolized like sugar!



Ham with sugar? Yuck, right? However, most types of cooked ham still contain sugar. Also in a lot of sausage products.

It is one of the spices with which meat products are prepared in such a way that we taste them. And yet he puzzles us on the list of ingredients. You should, however, think much more about the fat contained in sausage products!

Because fat of animal origin is anything but healthy and it is worthwhile to eat as little animal fat as possible, not just with a view to having a slim waistline.

Sausages and other processed meat products (meat loaf, meatballs, etc.) often contain incredibly large amounts of fat! But there are usually lean variants that you should prefer.

Ice cream

Frozen yogurt makes you fat

The new trend at our ice cream counters is called “Frozen Yoghurt” and is marketed as the healthy alternative to milk ice cream.

If you look at the ingredients, cream is often stirred into frozen yogurt, because the milk fat is a flavor carrier and ensures a full taste and a creamier feeling in the mouth.

Depending on the recipe, yoghurt ice cream contains up to 30% sugar to reduce the sour taste of the yoghurt.

In fact, frozen yoghurt contains less fat than ice cream, but a significantly higher sugar content and fatty or sweet toppings can result in similar calorie contents.

orange juice

Fruit juice

Juices, fruit drinks and also juice spritzers are repeatedly advertised as particularly good alternatives to lemonades. But if you look at what it actually looks like with the calories, it quickly becomes clear: this is not a calorie-saving alternative!

100ml orange juice contains approx. 45 calories, the same amount of orange lemonade but only approx. 40! A glass of orange juice does not contain any additional sugar, but it does contain the calories of 4-6 fruits.

And you certainly wouldn’t eat the fruit all at once – but you drink the glass of juice (or more …) in one gulp …



Many think that sweetening with honey is healthier because of the vitamins, minerals and amino acids it contains.

Unfortunately, most of these components are destroyed at temperatures above 40 ° C, which is why it would be nonsense for health reasons to bake with honey instead of sugar or to sweeten the tea.

As a (cold) spread ok, – for baking and sweetening warm dishes but only useful in terms of taste (e.g. honey cake).

Honey mainly consists of fructose, grape sugar and water, which is why the calorie content is similar to that of sugar: 100g honey has 285kcal, just 125kcal less than sugar.

Since the water contained in honey means that 100g of honey has a lower sweetening power than 100g of sugar, the “calorie advantage” is quickly offset by a higher dosage!

It is better to get used to sweetening less in general – regardless of whether you do it with honey or sugar!



Those who switch from “butter toast with jam” to muesli for breakfast usually feel incredibly health-conscious. Too bad that most muesli mixes and so-called “breakfast cereals” are pure fat and sugar bombs!

Crunchy muesli crunchy because it was baked caramelized in fat and sugar! And a chocolate muesli is so nice and chocolaty because there is so much fat and sugary chocolate in it!

“Yoghurt Crisp” and similar fancy ingredients are (almost) only made from two ingredients: sugar and fat.

A real muesli contains the natural sugar of the fruit you cut with it. And only the fat that is in the flakes and dairy product. Everything else is greasy candy and has absolutely nothing to do with a healthy breakfast!


fruit yoghurt

Dairy products are healthy, and so is fruit. And what should be unhealthy about a fruit yoghurt and hit your hips? Counter question: have you ever considered how many strawberry fields there would have to be just to meet the demand for strawberries for strawberry yoghurt?

Right … So the sugar in yoghurt does not usually come from the fruit, but from the sugar bowl in the yoghurt factory. And so that the yoghurt factory also sells a lot of yoghurt, the yoghurt pots are also very large.

So the “little healthy yoghurt snack” is suddenly a big sugar mountain with the calorie content of half a meal!

If that was also a full-fat or cream yoghurt, then your fat cells rub your hands twice in anticipation: fat and sugar – hmmmm!

It is better to buy natural yogurt made from skimmed milk and add fresh fruit yourself. And if it really has to be industrially produced fruit yoghurt, then simply choose the one that has the smallest cup and the least amount of fat.

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