7 Reasons Why Nail Biting Is Bad

Not only does it look unsightly, nail biting can also lead to bacterial health problems and even deform your fingers.

7 reasons why nail biting is bad

Why nail biting is bad. It’s a bad habit and a common problem that can appear at any age. This can lead to many negative health consequences.

Even if you think that it is just an aesthetic problem, it brings with it diseases and ailments that are better avoided.

This article will tell you more about why nail biting is a bad habit.

Why bite your nail?

Chewing finger nails

Thousands of people start chewing their nails in childhood. Some have only shorter phases, but others have had this vice for years and cannot stop with it.

It is typical for this that one is not even aware of it. Sufferers buy while watching TV, on the subway, in line or before an exam on their nails, which happens completely unconsciously.

That is why it is very difficult to stop biting your nails. Although you know that it is unsightly, that it hurts your fingers, or that it interferes with certain activities, you cannot stop.

It is important to find out the causes, usually nervousness is behind it. One unconsciously looks for a way out of  problems, worries or negative feelings. Stress is also one of the main causes.

Once nail biting becomes a habit, it is very difficult to get rid of it.

How to stop nail biting

With women there are aesthetic reasons in particular, with men it is often a bit more complicated, but there are always different strategies and ways to stop this bad habit.

Bitter-tasting nail polish, a plaster on your fingernails, or putting a “fine” into your piggy bank every time you catch yourself chewing … everyone has their own tactics.

But often that is not enough. As with other bad habits (e.g. smoking or alcohol consumption), it is also very important to find out the underlying problems. 

The fact is that nail biting affects nail growth and structure by producing small cracks in the nail layers. Therefore, the nails grow unevenly and no longer cover the entire fingertip.

What are the consequences of nail biting?

The consequences of this habit can be divided into two broad groups: physical and psychological or emotional.

In any case, it is worth considering if you want to stop the evil.

Weak growth

Chewing finger nails

If you bite your fingernails heavily, they take longer to grow back, and if they do, it is doing the wrong thing. For example, this makes the fingers look bad and spoils the beauty of the hands.


When you grab something, open an envelope, use tools, or write on a computer or cell phone, the pain is unbearable. Many everyday tasks can no longer be carried out well because the contact with the fingers is painful.

Bacterial diseases

The fingernails are an ideal place for bacteria of all kinds to multiply, as they are constantly in contact with objects that can be dirty or contaminated.

Among the most common species that reproduce under the nails are  Salmonella and E. Coli (both transmitted through raw foods).

If you put your fingers in your mouth, then these microorganisms automatically get onto the mucous membranes and from there directly into the interior of the body, where they have devastating effects.

But there is also a positive result: Doctors assure that nail biteers have a stronger immune system because they come into contact with these bacteria and the organism therefore learns to fight them off.

Dental problems


Most of the front teeth are used for nail biting. This increases the wear on the tooth edges and also the sensitivity of the teeth, as their coating is lost as a result.

If that’s not enough, it should be said that this habit can also trigger misaligned teeth and jaw problems when chewing or even while sleeping if the mouth does not close completely.

Emotional factors

Many of those affected hide their hands  because, regardless of fashion issues, nobody likes to show chewed, injured nails.

The psychological consequences of this bad habit include shame, low self-esteem, frustration, and sadness.

At the same time, it can also lead to social problems, especially among women. They prefer to avoid their friends because they violate the canon of beauty.

Joint pain

Joint pain

It may sound strange, but this mania causes pain in the cervical vertebrae due to the strain on the jaw muscles to bite off the nail particles.

Infectious diseases

If you bite your nails then you are more prone to Inflammation of the nail bed . This is an infection that causes swelling, redness, and often pus.

It develops when bacteria enter the small cracks or cracks in the skin (which most often come into contact with saliva).

Fungi can also often occur if the fingers are not adequately protected by the nails.

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