7 Reasons Why You Should Consume Grape Seeds

Grape seeds contain valuable antioxidants that help prevent cell damage and thus serve as a preventive measure against various types of cancer, such as breast, skin or prostate cancer.

7 reasons why you should consume grape seeds

Many people like to eat grapes, but they remove the grape seeds that are inside the fruit and do not taste as good as the pulp.

But the grape seeds  in particular contain a concentration of valuable active ingredients.

Many cosmetic and medical products use grape seeds for the production of natural remedies for the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

But the consumption of the natural kernels is also highly recommended. The slightly bitter taste could have numerous advantages for the organism  and also optimize the various functions.

In today’s post, you’ll find  7 reasons why you should eat the kernels. Let yourself be surprised!

1. Grape seeds are rich in antioxidants

The kernels are particularly rich in phenols, tocopherol and proanthocyanidins, which have a strong antioxidant effect and  the ability to protect the organism from oxidative damage caused  by free radicals.

They also provide a significant amount of vitamin C, as well as beta-carotene, which are also known to help balance out various external factors that could negatively affect health.

2. They promote blood purification

Grape seeds and blood purification

Thanks to the valuable nutrients and antioxidants that are concentrated in the grape seeds,  these should also help  to cleanse the blood of pollutants, drug residues or other harmful substances.

Therefore, grape seeds are recommended for all those who are at an increased risk of heart disease. For example, they also promote blood circulation and prevent thrombosis.

3. Prevention against cancer

Due to the numerous antioxidants, the kernels are counted among the cancer-preventing foods. They are said to be helpful in the prevention of breast, skin and prostate cancer.

Fighting free radicals could stop cell damage, which also increases the risk of developing cancer.

4. Grape seeds reduce the harmful effects of tobacco


Both smokers and passive smokers can benefit from the benefits of the kernels and thus reduce the damage caused by the toxins in tobacco.

Since the nuclei help cleanse the blood, waste materials are discharged and the organism is thus protected.

5. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects

Grape seeds have an antibacterial effect and should therefore  slow down microbiological growth and prevent various infectious diseases.

In addition, these nuclei have anti-inflammatory properties, so they can be helpful for the following ailments:

  • arthritis
  • dermatitis
  • Fluid retention
  • Colitis
  • Sinusitis
  • Urinary tract infection

6. Prevention against premature aging


One of the most important advantages of grape seeds is an antioxidant plant compound called OPC. This substance works against  malignant molecules and then prevents premature aging of  the skin, organs, tissues and cells.

Therefore, regular consumption of grape seeds can keep the body young and healthy. The premature wrinkling can also be reduced.

7. Protection for the lungs

Since grape seeds have an antibacterial, antihistamine and antiallergic effect and strengthen the lungs, it can also prevent infections and other diseases that damage the lungs.

They also strengthen the immune system and  therefore also reduce the risk of flu, colds and other diseases that  stress the respiratory system.

How are grape seeds ingested?

Grape seeds

These seeds can be eaten in their natural state, that is, simply with the grapes. Another option is  to buy an extract that  is available at health food stores or pharmacies and should then be taken regularly.

The maximum recommended dose is 300 mg per day. However, when the kernels are ingested naturally, there is no limit.

It is a good idea to use grape seeds to make the following dishes:

  • Mixed drinks
  • Soups
  • Cocktails
  • dessert

Even if the taste leaves something to be desired, it is bearable and it is worthwhile to benefit from the numerous advantages of the kernels!

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