7 Relatively Unknown Uses Of Honey

Honey has antibiotic properties and is a very effective remedy against various pathogens, some of which are already resistant to conventional treatments. However, it is important to use organic honey.

7 relatively unknown uses of honey

Not only does it taste delicious, it also has numerous health, beauty and household uses. Learn about the uses  of honey.

Honey has been used as a sweetener in various natural remedies and in the kitchen since ancient times.

This bee product is very popular worldwide because of its numerous benefits.

Honey has antiseptic, laxative, diuretic and soothing properties and can therefore be used to treat various ailments. You can also use it to carry out different beauty treatments.

Many treatments are well known and loved,  but today we would like to introduce you to 7 ways with bee honey that are not so well known  so that you can benefit from them too.

1. Honey as a preservative for fruit

Canned honey

Preserving sugar or other preservatives are usually used to make fruit last longer. You can replace these with honey, which is far healthier.


  • If the fruit is sweet, you can use part water and part honey.
  • If it is sour fruit, use two parts honey and one part water.
  • In both cases, the fruit is mixed with the honey, which must be covered well with honey. Store in a tightly sealable jar.

2. For the treatment of small cuts and minor burns

Honey contains hydrogen peroxide, which is used to  disinfect and protect small skin wounds.

After applying it to the affected area, the glucose contained in honey has an antiseptic effect.

In addition, this bee product has  a calming effect and moisturizes.  That is why honey is also ideal for sunburns or minor burns.


  • Simply apply a thin layer of honey to the wound or burn to reduce inflammation and protect against possible infection.

3. Against “hangovers”

a headache

After a long party with alcohol, fatigue and headaches often occur the next day.

You can reduce these annoying symptoms of the “hangover” with a little honey, because this  accelerates the metabolism and so alcohol is broken down and energy is gained.


  • Simply dissolve some honey in a glass of water or orange juice and then drink this mixture.

4. Against parasites

The active ingredients of honey in combination with the acid contained in vinegar can help in the treatment of ailments caused by parasites.


  • Mix the honey in a glass with a spoonful of apple cider vinegar.
  • Then take this mixture three times a day for two months.

5. Beautiful hair

Honey hair

Many hair care products also contain honey.

This strengthens the roots and  provides moisture, which can be very helpful, especially with dry hair and dandruff. In addition, the hair becomes supple, because honey is an excellent natural conditioner.


  • Apply a thin layer of honey to the scalp and hair.
  • Let it work for 20 minutes and then rinse.

6. Natural antibiotic

The antibiotic effect of honey has proven to be very effective against common pathogens such as E. Coli and Salmonella, including Staphylococcus aureus, which are resistant to conventional drugs such as methicillin.


  • You can either mix honey with a little water and then drink it, or apply it to your skin.

    7. Natural energizer

    Honey energy

    Energy drinks or special drinks for athletes contain additives that are not necessarily healthy for the organism.

    Honey contains 17 g of carbohydrates per spoon and is also an excellent source of  energy,  which helps to improve physical and mental performance.


    • The best thing to do is to stir the honey with a glass of water.
    • You can also make a smoothie with honey and other ingredients.

    Do not forget…

    When buying honey, you should make sure that it is  organic and that what is written on it is actually in the jar.  Honey is often mixed with sugar and preservatives so that it can be sold more cheaply.

    It is best to buy this bee product directly from the producer.

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