7 Symptoms We Women Should Watch Out For

The stomach pinches, stings or thumps dully. Women often have other reasons why the stomach pinches.

7 symptoms we women should look out for

Some things that change in the body are far too often dismissed as “harmless”, but we should subject them to a more detailed medical examination. We’ll show you 7 symptoms that you’d better get clarified by a doctor!

a stomach ache

Symptoms: urination to urinate

The urge to urinate in women can have different causes than in men. In men we immediately think of the prostate, in women the following causes are possible:

Diabetes : In diabetes, the body tries to excrete the increased amount of sugar in the blood through the urine. Those affected therefore have symptoms such as an increased urge to urinate, combined with great, above-average thirst.

Cystitis : Cystitis can also cause you to urinate excessively. Urination hurts or burns and is usually over after just a few drops.

But it can also be due to increased alcohol consumption, certain medications and stress.

a stomach ache

stomach pain

The stomach pinches, stabs or thumps dully. Women often have other reasons why the stomach pinches.

These include stress, too much stomach acid, a  stomach ulcer, stomach inflammation, gas, medication, and food intolerances to which women are more prone than men.

Sore throat

Symptoms: sore throat

It is common knowledge that women like to talk more than men. Therefore, a simple infection with a sore throat is less harmless than in men.

Women are more likely to have inflammation of the vocal cords than men. If left untreated, a sore throat can develop into pneumonia in the worst case . So clarify long-lasting sore throats with your doctor!


shortness of breath

Do you notice that the stairs in the office or at home suddenly leave you breathless? That you are no longer as fit as usual and do not know what could be the cause?

Be sure to clarify this with a doctor, as a heart disease could be behind it. Especially if you have other symptoms, such as unclear water retention.



First of all, fear is not something pathological. Fear protects us from unnecessarily exposing ourselves to danger and endangering our lives. If you find yourself feeling more anxious than your fellow human beings, then action is called for.

Anxiety and anxiety affect your entire organism, the heartbeat becomes faster, the blood pressure higher, there are also digestive problems, sleep disorders, cardiac arrhythmias and more.

Anxiety is in urgent need of treatment! You can find out how anxious you are with our test: Test your anxiety!



It is not only the length of sleep that is important, but also the quality. And it is not really high if simple, probably previously unknown factors disturb your night’s sleep! Those who cannot sleep through the night are harming themselves.

The ability to learn and remember decreases, the metabolism changes, weight gain inevitably follows, daytime sleepiness increases and leads to “blackouts” which endanger safety (including in traffic).

Long-term sleep disorders make you depressed, can cause cardiac arrhythmias and high blood pressure, and a lack of sleep also damages the immune system.



Observe your skin and always visit a dermatologist if you have new or unclear skin spots! The dreaded skin cancer does not always show up with the same spots, it has many faces.

You should therefore show your dermatologist every unclear and poorly healing skin lesion or strange area, because if the cancer is detected early, the chances of a cure are good!

Because you can not look at all parts of the body yourself, you should have the skin cancer screening paid for by the health insurances carried out regularly by a specialist!

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