7 Tricks That Underpin Your Diet Success

In order to strengthen your diet success and increase your motivation, you should implement the following 7 tips.

7 tricks to support your dieting success

As diet success is defined as the carried weight loss. The greater this, the greater the success of the diet . Because often frustration does not go far if the success does not materialize or is less than hoped for. With our 7 tricks you won’t be disappointed.

Diet success must be long-term!

Your success at the end of a diet is a good thing when you see how many pounds have tumbled off the scales. But a real diet success is long-term, so that the lost pounds are lost forever.

In order to increase your success during the diet and to maintain it afterwards, you should not only know a few tips and tricks, but also implement them.

These are our 7 tricks that will underpin your diet success in every way:

Success through healthy breakfast

A healthy breakfast protects against obesity

A balanced breakfast is the most important and best way to start every new day full of energy and productivity. After all are statistically people who regularly eat breakfast slimmer than that renounce those on breakfast.

How can that be? Don’t you get extra energy (in this case calories) with an extra meal?

This is because the body is forced to run in “emergency mode” without breakfast and does not, as is often claimed, fall back on its fat reserves, but runs on an absolute back burner.

The hunger that has accumulated over the day due to reduced calorie intake is unfortunately far too often “compensated” for by taking small snacks in between meals or a dinner that is too lavish because of hunger.

The daily calorie intake is therefore higher, despite the skipped breakfast!

Woman in front of the refrigerator puts diet success at risk

Avoid snacks between meals

Every snack between meals calls the success of the diet into question anew. Because every snack between meals leads to an increase in the blood sugar level and thus to the release of the mast hormone insulin, which interrupts the burning of fat.

Constant snacks lead to “insulin fattening”. So you will not be successful in dieting if you consume constant, even if only tiny, amounts of calories.

Only calorie-free drinks are allowed between meals: mineral water, herbal tea, green or black tea, coffee without sugar or milk.

Remember: with snacks you interrupt fat burning and encourage cravings!

Diet success through exercise in the forest


The more you move, the higher your basal metabolic rate, so you burn more calories.

Exercise also strengthens the build-up of muscle mass, which then ensures a higher basal metabolic rate in everyday life, without any sport. And, as everyone knows, you burn calories while exercising or doing any physical activity and thus increase your diet success several times.

Cook with fresh ingredients yourself

If you use ready-made products, you don’t know what you are eating.

If, on the other hand, you cook your own food from fresh ingredients, only what you put into the saucepan will end up in your stomach.

Avoid fatty meat and animal fats and concentrate on lots of fresh vegetables, one serving of fruit per meal and lean dairy products.

Diet success through low calories

Eat from small plates

Sounds strange, but it helps because the eye eats too.

If you put the same amount of food on a large plate, a healthy portion will feel smaller than if you put it on a smaller plate.

The amount remains the same, but the size of the smaller plate suggests a larger amount of food. So you no longer eat, but your brain receives “more food” via your eye.

Water ensures more well-being and diet success!

Drink enough and calorie-free

Beverages are basically calorie-free, otherwise they are food. Apple juice has more calories and at least as much sugar as a glass of cola and is equivalent to a large amount of apples.

Apple juice (or any other juice) is liquid, but still more of a meal than a drink.

Other liquids that you like to use as drinks are actually meals or food.

Just think of milk and drinks with milk (a milk coffee or chai latte, for example) or smoothies, which in truth are nothing more than a pureed fruit or vegetable meal.

Get enough sleep for healthy and happy menopause.

Sleep off – every day!

Lack of sleep not only makes you tired, but also old, fat and sick.

The metabolism changes when the body gets too little sleep. Weight gain inevitably follows, as the nocturnal fat burning is disturbed (or does not take place at all) by too little sleep.

In addition, lack of sleep makes you hungry and appetite for unhealthy sweets.

This is partly due to the fact that our body lacks the happiness hormone serotonin due to sleep deprivation, or rather: too little of it can be made available.

This leads to cravings for serotonin substitutes, such as those found in chocolate. So sleep in every day, it’s worth it – not only for your diet success …

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