8 Health Benefits Of Apple Juice

Freshly made apple juice is delicious and very healthy!

8 health benefits of apple juice

Apples are one of the most popular types of fruit because they are delicious and also very healthy. The juice of apples also has many health benefits, some of which we are going to introduce to you today. Apple juice  contains vitamins C and E, provides protein and also  iron and potassium,  which are essential for many body functions.

How do you make apple juice?

With the following recipe you can make this healthy drink very easily. For example, you can drink a glass for breakfast to provide your body with nutrients and energy. 


  • 4 apples (preferably red, but they can also be green)
  • 4 cups of water
  • 5 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons of organic honey
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder (as desired)


  • Wash the apples well and cut them into quarters. Core them. You can also peel them if you want. However , the peel provides many health benefits,  so use organically grown apples.
  • Put all of the ingredients in the blender. Process them for a few minutes until you have a delicious mixed drink. Enjoy the juice!

The benefits of apple juice

1. Good for the skin

health benefits of apple juice
  • This delicious juice contains a lot of vitamin C and therefore stimulates skin regeneration.
  • It also contains vitamin E, an antioxidant that supports cell function.
As a result, natural apple juice has a firming, rejuvenating effect on the skin. 

2. Good for your heart

  • Apple juice keeps your heart healthy. Another ingredient found in apples, histidine, has an antihypertensive effect, helping to regulate your blood pressure.
  • Apple juice also indirectly prevents cholesterol build-up in the liver. This prevents the cholesterol from entering the bloodstream and protects your cardiovascular system.

3. Good for strong muscles

Benefits of apple juice - muscles
  • Just one apple a day provides you with the daily recommended amount of potassium,  a mineral that is responsible for the smooth functioning of muscles and nerves.
  • Similarly , apple juice promotes muscle mass building.
  • In addition, it supports the conversion of carbohydrates into energy.

4. Against muscle pain

Muscle pain can go away if you drink apple juice regularly. This is due to the antioxidants it contains, which prevent pollutants from building up in the joints.

At the same time , the potassium in apple juice increases bone density. Therefore, this juice is great for people who suffer from arthritis and rheumatism.

5. Against hemorrhoids

Benefits of apple juice - hemorrhoids

With a vitamin K deficiency, the risk of unusual bleeding from injuries, surgery or illness is greater.

Apple juice contains vitamin K and  therefore supports normal blood clotting. 

6. Good at losing weight

Green apple juice is wonderful for losing weight. They are only 80 calories and high in fiber. This will make you feel full longer.

We recommend the fresh juice for breakfast and lunch. This will help regulate blood sugar levels and speed up your metabolism,  which will make it easier for you to gain a healthy weight. You can also use it to regulate your appetite.

7. Good for the mind

Potassium, magnesium and phosphorus counteract  physical and mental fatigue. Since these minerals are abundant in apples, the juice of the delicious fruit is also very helpful against mental exhaustion.

In addition, this drink contains vitamin B12,  which helps against insomnia and nervous disorders. 

8. Against respiratory diseases

Benefits of apple juice - respiratory diseases

If you have asthma, cough, or any other respiratory disease, you can also benefit from fresh apple juice.  The vitamin C it contains relieves your lungs  and strengthens your immune system.

You can sweeten the juice with honey, which also has important medicinal properties. You can use it to relieve coughs and sore throats, for example.

What are you waiting for? You too can benefit from this delicious juice!

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