8 Types Of Daisies And How To Care For Them

Did you know that there are many different types of daisies? If you want them in your yard, you should know which are the most popular and how to best care for them. Read the following article to find out!

8 types of daisies and how to care for them

If you are thinking about planting daisies on your balcony or in your garden, this article is not to be missed. We’ll tell you what types there are and how you should take care of each one so that they last long and stay healthy.

Types of daisies and their care

Daisies are among the most popular and well-known flowers in the world. In many series and films we see characters plucking the petals off and repeating the classic “he loves me, he doesn’t love me”. So we’re all pretty familiar with this flower … but did you know that there are different types of it?

In fact, there are over 140 different types. The most famous daisy has a yellow center surrounded by many elongated white petals. You can also find them in other colors, such as yellow, pink, and orange, to name a few.

1. Shasta daisies

This type of daisy usually blooms between June and September. Although your soil should stay moist, it is important to avoid waterlogging.

These flowers are usually large and have delicate petals. Their origin lies in the Pyrenees, which makes them very resistant to cold climates and frost. However, they need full sun to bloom, as occurs between June and September.

Maintenance required

  • They like nutrient-rich soil with good drainage.
  • Keep the soil moist and avoid waterlogging so the plant can develop well. The roots of the Shasta daisy do not tolerate standing water.
  • It is best to cut the flowers from time to time to encourage the bloom to grow.
  • In September, when the flowering season is over, it is a good idea to trim the leaves heavily.

2. Echinacea purpurea

This flower resembles the Shasta daisy, but is characterized by its intense reddish center and purple petals. It is mainly found in North America and some parts of South America and Africa, where it can reach a height of up to 1.5 meters.

It is worth noting that Echinacea is not only known for its attractive appearance, but also for its healing properties. Many use them as a means of strengthening the immune system and treating respiratory infections.

Maintenance required

  • It needs well-drained soil as too much water will damage this plant.
  • It is also important to remove slugs and slugs from the area as they can do a lot of damage to the plant.

    3. Transvaal daisies

    This type of daisy is a popular choice for all types of flower arrangements. This delicate flower needs a lot of care.

    Among the many types of daisy, we must not forget to mention the one commonly known as the “gerbera”. Did you know this is actually a type of daisy? If you look closely, you will see the resemblance.

    Gerberas are often used in wedding bouquets and all kinds of flower arrangements. When looking at it, it’s easy to see why: they’re just beautiful. However, they are very delicate flowers that require a lot of effort and work.

    Maintenance required

    • It is important to use nutrient mulch when planting. You should also transplant it to a larger pot in spring – at least every two years to allow the plant to develop further.
    • Like the daisies mentioned above, gerberas do not tolerate excessive water. You need moist and well-drained soil.

    4. Shrub marguerite

    The shrub marguerite (Argyranthemum frutescens) is also known as the bushy marguerite. It comes from the Canary Islands, where it grows wild. Of course, because of its great beauty, it is also cultivated.

    It is characterized by its beautiful colors, such as white, yellow or pink, as well as its rows of single or double petals. In any case, the shrub marguerite needs special care in order not to wither.

    Aside from being used as an ornamental plant, it can also be found in some remedies that use it as a stomach tonic or even as a possible remedy for asthma.

    Maintenance required

    • It needs direct sun to grow and thrive.
      When using pots, it is better to go for large models (over 40 centimeters).
    • Although it can withstand the cold (and even frost) well, it does better at temperatures above 20 ° C.
    • Irrigation should be moderate, without puddling, and the soil should be well drained.

    5. Sun hat

    The sun hat is one of the most appealing types of daisies because of its bright colors.

    Among the daisies, the sun hat or the “black-eyed Susan” is one of the most conspicuous and certainly also one of the most difficult species to classify as a daisy with the naked eye.

    It differs from the classic daisy because of its burgundy center with a small yellow or orange blob at the ends and its broad petals that narrow at the tips. It blooms between June and October.

    Necessary maintenance

    • Sun hats can also handle partially shaded places, but regular sun exposure is best.
    • Like the previous ones, this species also needs a soil with good drainage. Plenty of watering is recommended here in summer, but you should avoid standing water.

    6. Dahlberg daisies

    The Dahlberg Daisy (Thymophylla Tenuiloba) is the yellow daisy we know so well; a beautiful flower that is easy to care for. In fact, it’s arguably one of the best ways to get into the daisy world.

    Maintenance required

    • The best location for this plant is in full sun.
    • Watering should be enough to keep the soil moist, but not excessive.
    • If necessary, you can use natural fertilizers, but always in small doses.

    7. Chrysanthemum furtescens

    To keep these flowers in perfect condition, it is important to water them well and fertilize them regularly.

    This plant requires more maintenance than many of the above as it grows a little more uncontrollably. It must therefore be trimmed regularly.

    Maintenance required

    It is advisable to plant them in full sun.

    • You should water them adequately without watering them.
      It needs regular fertilization (but not in summer) in order to develop healthily.
    • To keep the plant from wilting, you should prune it regularly.

    8. Daisies

    The common daisy (Bellis perennis) is delicate and its care is a little different from that of its relatives. It is the variety we normally find in meadows, where it grows naturally and wild.

    Maintenance required

    • These flowers prefer partial shade.
    • They should be watered abundantly, especially in the hot months. In autumn and winter, watering should be done at longer intervals.
    • It is important to protect the plant from wind as it can seriously damage it.

    These are just a few of the types of daisies you can buy for decorating your home. So why not plant daisies and enjoy these beautiful flowers? Make sure to keep our tips in mind to keep them blooming long and profusely!

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