Treat Herpes Zoster Naturally

You can apply cold compresses to relieve the itching. Short sunbaths are also recommended to encourage the healing process.

Treat herpes zoster naturally

Herpes zoster, also known as shingles, is caused by the herpes virus in the varicella zoster virus (VZV) family. This virus is often transmitted in childhood and manifests itself as chickenpox.

After that, the virus can reappear for various reasons. In this post, you will learn more about this viral disease and various natural treatment options.

Interesting facts about herpes zoster

This viral disease is very painful. It manifests itself as a striped skin rash with blistering, usually on one side in the chest area, on the abdomen or on the back.

The herpes virus often becomes active when the immune system is weakened by certain diseases such as cancer or HIV, an organ transplant or by vitamin deficiency, stress or great nervousness.

As already mentioned, herpes zoster only breaks out in those who had chickenpox as a child. First you will feel a tingling sensation, then the rash will become visible and bubbles will appear with a liquid inside.


The early stage lasts about 3 to 5 days, during which there is often a slight fever, tiredness and exhaustion. the latency phase can last up to four weeks. During this time, those affected suffer from severe pain, usually only on one side of the body.

The virus usually breaks out in the chest area, but it can also occur on the thighs or face, for example. There is a painful inflammation of the nerve tissue.

Once the blisters dry, postherpetic neuralgia can occur, a severe, stabbing pain that makes itself felt from time to time.

Home remedies for herpes zoster

  • Apply a damp bandage to the advanced rash. It is best to moisten a cloth or towel with cold water and then wait a little until it has reached room temperature.
  • Add a handful of oatmeal and cornstarch to the bath water and bathe in it for about 20 minutes each day before going to bed to relieve the pain.
  • Apply hydrogen peroxide to the blisters with some cotton or a pipette if they are infected.
  • Apply pure honey or fresh leek juice to the rash several times a day to relieve the burning pain.

  • Scald 50 g of verbena with a glass of water and let it steep for five minutes. Moisten a fine cloth with this infusion and place it on the affected area. Once it dries, repeat the process.
  • Gently apply a few drops of tea tree oil to the affected area with cotton wool.
  • Scald two spoons of ribwort plantain with a cup of hot water. Cover and wait for the infusion to cool. Then this is applied with a little cotton wool to the areas affected by herpes zoster.
  • Boil a handful of burdock in half a liter of water for five minutes. Then let it cool down and apply to the affected areas with cotton wool. Let it work for half an hour.
  • Boil a handful of dandelions in one liter of water for 15 minutes. Drink 3 cups of it daily.

dandelion cleaning
  • Boil two handfuls of sorrel in one liter of water for 10 minutes. Then let it cool down and carefully apply to the blisters with a cloth.

More home remedies

  • Puree half a cooked carrot with a little water. Make a wrap out of it and place it on the affected areas.
  • Drink several cups of lemon balm tea daily, as this herb has antiviral properties. This can prevent the virus from spreading to other parts of the body. Then store the tea bags in the refrigerator to place them on the bubbles.
  • Make an ointment from the kernels of a hot pepper and aloe vera gel. It is also recommended to consume hot paprika or chile daily as the capsaicin it contains is very beneficial. Ready-made ointments are available at the pharmacy.

    aloe vera
    • Melissa is also very helpful for herpes zoster. It has a calming effect as well as relieving pain and cramps. Prepare a strong lemon balm tea and let it cool down. Then this is applied to the affected areas at least four times a day with a cloth or some cotton wool. It is also recommended to drink lemon balm tea to lower the fever and relieve pain.
    • Another recommended medicinal plant is cat’s claw (Uncaria tomentosa), but this is not suitable for pregnant women. This herb has powerful antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Prepare an infusion and apply it to the bubbles with cotton wool.

      Recommendations for the prevention and treatment of herpes zoster

      • Consume foods with vitamins B and C to help boost the immune system.
      • Avoid warming fabrics or materials (such as wool) on the rash, as they increase the pain and discomfort. It is best to wear loose cotton clothing. Synthetic materials can make itching and pain worse.
      • Do not burst the blisters, as this could leave scars and increase pain and discomfort.
      • Keep away from people with a weak immune system (young children, transplant recipients, HIV patients, cancer patients, etc.) in order to avoid infection.
      • Try to relax and manage stress. For example, yoga, meditation, hypnosis and visualization techniques can help.
      • Avoid strong temperature fluctuations and drafts so that the pain is not activated by the nervous system.
      • Expose the affected areas to sunlight for a few minutes to encourage the healing process (drying of the blisters).

      Even if these natural treatments can be effective , if you suspect herpes zoster is definitely recommended to consult a doctor early!

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