Lemon Juice And Chia Seeds Could Prevent High Cholesterol

If you want to do something against high cholesterol, you have to eat a healthy, balanced diet, make some physical exercise part of your daily routine and the therapies prescribed by your doctor follow.

Lemon juice and chia seeds may help prevent high cholesterol

If your doctor determines that you have high cholesterol, then you probably already know that there are some lifestyle habits that you need to change to lower your cholesterol.

If you want to do something against high  cholesterol , you have to pay attention to a healthy, balanced diet, make some physical exercise part of your daily routine and follow the therapies prescribed by your doctor.

But what does a healthy diet look like, tailored to the needs of a person who has to watch their cholesterol levels? If you give certain remedies a permanent place in your menu, then you have already achieved a lot.

Consume lemon juice and chia seeds regularly to help your body regulate cholesterol levels. It is an easy to implement and inexpensive measure that also tastes good.

Just try our recipe!

Benefits of lemon juice and chia seeds in high cholesterol therapy

Lemon Chia

Sometimes there are really fascinatingly simple remedies in Mother Nature’s treasure chest.

This also applies to the topic of cholesterol and although high cholesterol does not hurt, it has very negative long-term effects on our health.

Don’t make the mistake of underestimating the importance of high cholesterol. There are many risks involved:

  • In fact, the most dangerous thing about high cholesterol is that we do n’t feel any discomfort until it’s too late. High cholesterol can only be determined by examining the blood. That is why regular medical check-ups are essential.
  • When our body is no longer able to absorb all of the cholesterol that is circulating in the blood, the excess builds up on the arterial walls. This leads to the narrowing of the arteries and what doctors call atherosclerosis. This condition in turn brings with it an increased risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • For example, people who have high cholesterol are twice as likely to have myocardial infarction than people whose cholesterol is in the reference range.

    How lemon helps reduce cholesterol

    We have often spoken of the lemon as a medicinal plant and that it can do a lot of good for your health. But maybe you didn’t know that the blood level of dietary fats can be reduced significantly with lemon.

    • Lemon is an alkalizing food that has a detoxifying effect. Regular consumption of lemon helps improve liver function and reduce the level of blood lipids. The latter also applies to triglycerides and cholesterol, two different types of blood lipids that have similar negative effects on our health.
    • The detoxifying effect of lemon is so strong that not only is the cholesterol level reduced, but also that more fats are excreted, which then no longer burden the liver, intestines and the body as a whole.
    • We must also remember at this point that the lemon much Vitamin C contains. This vitamin has been shown to have cardioprotective effects in various scientific studies . Vitamin C therefore protects the heart. Incidentally, some of these studies can be found in The American Journal of Nutrition .
      • Consuming lemon juice regularly lowers the risk of heart disease by up to 20%.
      • As an antioxidant, vitamin C protects cells from the oxidative damage caused by free radicals.

    In order to benefit from these effects, the lemon or its juice must be consumed raw. Preserved lemon juice cannot achieve these effects.

    Chia seeds, a real miracle cure for our health

    The next time you see chia seeds on the shelf, don’t hesitate to wrap them up. Your body will thank you with excellent health. The main areas of application for chia seeds are to reduce high cholesterol levels and support a diet for weight loss.

    But what exactly does the consumption of chia seeds do?

    • Chia seeds are now treated as dietary supplements and are especially recommended for people who suffer from high cholesterol. You will particularly benefit from the phytosterols and alpha-linolenic acid contained in chia seeds. In addition to the cardiovascular system, these ingredients also promote health in general.
    • Chia seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce high cholesterol levels.
    • Since chia seeds consist of 27% fiber, they are ideal for the prophylaxis and treatment of constipation.
    • Chia seeds also provide antioxidants, vitamins of the B complex (especially vitamins B1, B2 and B3), minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and phosphorus, and healthy proteins.

    How to treat high cholesterol with lemon and chia seed juice

    Lemon and chia

    What do I need?

    • 1 tbsp chia seeds (5 g)
    • 300 ml of water
    • 1 lemon
    • 1 tbsp honey (25 g)

    How do I prepare the juice?

    • The preparation is very easy. First, the chia seeds need to be soaked in part of the water for an hour. We can literally observe how a kind of gel is formed from chia seeds and water.
    • Now is the time to squeeze the lemon. We add the lemon juice to the rest of the water.
    • Finally, we add the soaked chia seeds to the lemon water. If the two liquids do not mix well, you can also use the mixer. The honey can also be loosened better here.

      How do I drink the juice?

      During the 20-day regimen, you should drink the lemon juice with chia seeds every morning on an empty stomach. Then take a week off before starting the regimen again.

      If you are taking medication to lower blood pressure, you should not consume large amounts of chia seeds, as these also affect blood pressure. Conversely, if you generally suffer from low blood pressure, you should not consume any chia seeds at all .

      Another contraindication to consuming chia seeds is blood thinning therapy. If you are taking anticoagulants, we do not recommend consuming chia seeds.

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