Signs Of Kidney Problems

Some theories see a relationship between hearing problems and kidney problems.

Signs of kidney problems

The kidneys are responsible for vital tasks, including cleaning the blood. This is why it is extremely important to look out for any signs  that might indicate kidney problems.

In this post, you will learn more about some of the astonishing clues that can indicate kidney problems .

Sweating, a sign of kidney problems

The kidneys and the urinary system are responsible for controlling and balancing the body’s water balance. So if you sweat too much or too little, it may be related to kidney health.

In general, only people who sweat a lot become aware of it, as this is very uncomfortable and also unsightly. Natural remedies are not always sufficient to solve the problem.

Lack of energy

Fatigue is quite normal after physical or mental exertion. However, it is not normal if this situation persists for an extended period of time for obviously unknown reasons. This could be a sign of kidney problems.

Fatigue is also closely related to kidney and liver functions. The lack of energy is particularly noticeable in spring and autumn, which is why it is ideal to carry out a detoxification cure during these times of the year.


Swelling due to fluid retention

As mentioned earlier, the kidneys regulate  the body’s fluid balance. When there is a disorder, there is a lack of water (dryness, dehydration) in some areas and excess water retention in others.

Fluid retention often occurs on the legs, abdomen or even the eyelids and under the eyes.

This imbalance is a clear sign of kidney problems.

Hearing problems

While this may surprise you, some theories suggest a link between certain types of deafness and poor kidney function.

This is good to know, especially for  those who have temporary hearing loss. In this case, a doctor’s visit is required. Various natural supplements are also recommended to help promote kidney function.

Pain in the lower back

The kidneys are in the lower back, but not as deep as most people think. If you experience pain in this area , it could be a kidney infection.

In this case, heat applications and natural remedies are recommended, but you should consult your doctor.


Knee pain

The kidneys are also closely related to the joints in general and to the knee joints in particular. 

Knee pain should therefore not only be treated locally, treatment to balance the kidney functions is also often necessary. This will fix the cause of the problem and allow healing to occur faster.

Need to eat salt

If you have a great desire for salty foods or special flavors, this can also indicate an imbalance in the organism.

So, if you find that you have an unusually salty craving, it may be an indication that your kidneys are in need of support. Often this symptom is also accompanied by a lack of energy, which can be harmful in the long term if the cause is not established.


How can we take care of the kidneys?

Even if it is a natural treatment, it is advisable to seek advice from an expert who can work out a personalized treatment.

If the symptoms are not bad, you are not taking any medication or have any illness, you can have a kidney cleanse at home at least once a year. The following methods are recommended:

  • Kidney cleansing teas to support kidney functions,
  • Onion broth for kidney infections,
  • Vegetable juices for cleaning pollutants,
  • external heat treatments in the kidney area or
  • Suction cups in the lower back.

Images provided by relaxing music, marketing deluxe and Chiot’s Run.

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