Discover The Benefits Of Algae For Hypothyroidism

Algae not only regulate the cardiovascular system, but can also help lower cholesterol and contribute to weight loss.

Discover the benefits of algae for hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a condition that mostly affects women over 50, but it can also occur after the first pregnancy. Seaweed could help.

The symptoms severely impair the quality of life and the external appearance. In this post we explain how algae can be useful for treating and preventing hypothyroidism due to their iodine and mineral content.

We’ll also give you some preparation tips so that you can then use them to create delicious recipes.

What is hypothyroidism?

About 3% of the population suffers from hypothyroidism. This is a decrease in the amount of thyroid hormones in the blood.

The most common symptoms are:

  • Tiredness and exhaustion
  • Muscle weakness
  • Feeling cold
  • Unexplained weight gain and loss
  • depression
  • Double chin in actually slim people
  • Hair loss
  • Pale or yellowish face
  • Water retention
  • Very dry skin
  • Missing eyebrows on the outer side


The most common causes of hypothyroidism are:

  • Thyroiditis
  • Congenital anomaly
  • Radiation therapy on the neck
  • Antithyroid treatment
  • Chronic iodine deficiency


Algae are rather unknown in gastronomy, although they are very health-promoting and can be used in a variety of ways. Many do not know the preparation forms, although they are actually very simple.

Thanks to the Japanese cuisine, algae have become a little better known here too. They are often used in vegetarian and macrobiotic diets because they are high in minerals, such as B. iodine. This is also important in hypothyroidism, for example.

Algae should always be of ecological origin or have a guarantee that they do not contain any toxic substances.


How can you use algae?

Each type of seaweed is used differently. The thinner ones only need a short soaking time, while the thicker ones take up to 30-40 minutes to cook.

Nacgfikgebd some advice:

  • Nori : This seaweed is suitable for making sushi because it is like a wafer-thin leaf. Simply soak them in a little water and they can be used to roll up the rice and other ingredients.
  • Kombu : With a piece of kombu in the stew, legumes soften faster and digestion is easier.
  • Wakame  makes the vegetable puree creamy, so this alga can replace potatoes or cream cheese.
  • Sea spaguetti (belt tang)  are ideal with pasta or rice dishes.
  • Ragweed : This alga only needs a short cooking time, so it is suitable for quick soups, sauces, dressings or salads.

The following types of algae are often taken as dietary supplements:

  • Spirulina
  • Fucus

However, these algae should only be consumed under medical supervision.


Seaweed salt

Seaweed salt is an excellent way to add a special touch to the food.

  • For the preparation, algae and sea salt are ground and mixed. You can also add aromatic herbs and then store everything in a sealable jar.
  • The salt then serves as a preservative.

This mixture can then be used for all dishes like normal table salt.

We recommend making this condiment with the kelp seaweed, as it is rich in iodine. Seasonings that have already been prepared from the health food store contain this algae.


Foods That Should Be Avoided

In addition to the use of algae, certain foods should be avoided in hypothyroidism, even if they have health-promoting properties. They then block the necessary iodine absorption:

  • Cruciferous vegetables: cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli and savoy cabbage
  • spinach
  • soy
  • peach
  • Beans
  • lime

Ready-made products, refined foods, and tap water should also be avoided. We recommend spring or mineral water.

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