Exaggerated Jealousy: Do The Self-test!

Exaggerated jealousy arises when a pathological attempt is made to control the partner’s life so that he cannot cheat. You can use this article to determine if you are too jealous.

Exaggerated jealousy: do the self-test!

Exaggerated jealousy occurs when there is a pathological attempt to control the partner’s life so that he cannot cheat. You can use this article to determine if you are too jealous.

Everyone is likely to be jealous from time to time, which doesn’t have to be an immediate problem for the relationship. However, if this feeling gets out of hand, it can endanger the emotional health of both people.

Therefore, it is important to know the indicators of excessive jealousy ; mainly because it is often viewed as not serious by the person who it originates from.

Below you will find out how this feeling arises and how you can prevent it to avoid serious consequences.

Often times, jealousy arises from fear of loss and can cause numerous conflicts in the relationship. These disputes come to a head over time. What ultimately suffers is the coexistence, the respect and the love between the partners.

Signs of excessive jealousy

Violation of privacy

Signs of excessive jealousy

Jealous people do not allow their partner any privacy. You feel you have the right to know every little private part of the other.

The fear that there might be someone else there is great. As a result, the partner’s cell phone, social networks and every other medium are often scoured in order to come across such a reference.

The consequences of this behavior are serious: a simple “hello” or a conversation between friends can be enough to perceive a supposed threat and to set off an avalanche of negative feelings.

Distrust of work colleagues

Certainly there are situations with friends and work colleagues in which well-founded jealousy can arise. But if this feeling cannot be controlled, the jealous person begins to imagine things that are not happening.

Any attention or sympathy shown to a potential competitor is interpreted as flirting. The jealous person feels anger even if the partner does not have any wrong intentions.

Limiting social life through excessive jealousy

Relationship conflict

Exaggerated jealousy goes hand in hand with wanting to control the partner’s entire social life. Accusations follow when he wants to spend time with friends or just take a phone call.

There are constant interviews: “Who are you talking to?” “What are you laughing about with your friends?”, “Where are you going?” or “Why are you coming home so late?”

Often an attempt is made to end the friendships of the partner or to thwart their plans in order to spend time together.

Make control calls

There is a difference between calling to inquire about the partner’s welfare or making control calls with the intention of spying on them.

Often times they are also done to make sure that the partner is really where he claims to be. This can lead to anxiety and stress.

Invent infidelity

Infidelity in a relationship

Sometimes excessive jealousy leads to starting to imagine the partner’s infidelity in all its facets – for the mere reason that he is not always available.

With this invented cheating scenario, it is often no longer possible to differentiate between what is made up and what is real.

Change lifestyle

Many people believe that the more time they spend with them, the more time they spend with their partner, they can prevent their partner from being infidelity. In fact, they go so far as to adapt their lifestyle to that of their partner in order to siphon off as many opportunities for togetherness as possible.

The jealous person tries to control the partner’s time by organizing his schedule and, if possible, always present in his spare time.

Criticize clothing style

Criticize partner

The mere clothing style of the partner can trigger disputes. It is a thorn in the side of the jealous person if the other person dresses well and has other plans than a joint venture.

The following statements can often be heard: “Who are you dressing up for if you are not going out with me?”, “Why do you put on make-up when you know that I prefer it natural?” or “Why are you dressing up so fancy just going to work?”

Confusing excessive jealousy with love

This point is probably one of the main characteristics of excessive jealousy. The jealous person justifies their behavior at any time by declaring it to be love for the partner.

The allegations or criticism are interpreted as concern for the other. This makes it easier for them to advance their manipulation.

Did you get the impression that some of these behaviors apply to you or that your jealousy is getting worse? Then you should be careful! While jealousy can be harmless to some extent, avoid letting it destroy your relationship.

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