Anti-inflammatory Drink With Turmeric, Pepper And Honey

Pepper potentiates the effect of turmeric, so that it should not be missing in any anti-inflammatory preparation.

Anti-inflammatory drink with turmeric, pepper and honey

According to reliable scientific study results, turmeric is suitable for reducing inflammation, which is why the yellow root is often used for osteoarthritis. Here we give you a recipe for an anti-inflammatory drink made with turmeric, pepper and honey.

To take advantage of their properties, you can use them to flavor dishes or make a delicious  anti-inflammatory drink . First of all, we will introduce you to the individual ingredients of the drink:

Turmeric and pepper always together!

Turmeric is also called turmeric or incorrectly saffron root. You can usually get it ground as an exotic spice, but also as a fresh root in most health food stores.

It gives food an intense yellow color and is much cheaper than saffron. The taste is mildly spicy, which is why you can use it generously for seasoning against joint problems.

The anti-inflammatory effects of the active ingredient curcumin contained in turmeric in knee arthritis have even been confirmed by studies. The effect of turmeric is better if you consume larger amounts of it; sprinkling a fine pinch over your vegetables does not help much.

Studies have also shown that the piperine contained in pepper increases the bioavailability of the active ingredient curcumin from turmeric many times over.

So if you want to benefit from the health benefits of turmeric, make sure to always combine the yellow root with a pinch of pepper. Whether you use it to season vegetables or make an anti-inflammatory drink.

Honey turmeric


The tasty product of the hardworking bees is considered an all-round remedy in naturopathy. Honey has been shown to help with inflammatory skin diseases, as the sweet glue has an antibacterial effect like a gentle antibiotic.

Honey is also used to heal injuries more quickly, so that there are even some skin creams on the market that make use of this property.


One component of ginger inhibits an enzyme that is active in the body when there is pain.

If this enzyme is inhibited, the pain is alleviated. The principle works like a painkiller, only a little more gentle on the stomach and more natural.

The components of ginger are particularly effective against muscle pain, but also for mild headaches and rheumatism, as ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties.

In combination with the analgesic effect, ginger is particularly popular in the therapy of rheumatism and arthritis, as ginger can reduce pain and inhibit inflammation.

cinnamon sticks


There are basically two different types of cinnamon that are commercially available as a spice.

The classic Ceylon cinnamon grows in Burma, Bangladesh or Sri Lanka and has a finer, more noble aroma.

Cassia cinnamon, which comes in large quantities from China, is spicier and cheaper.

You can also tell the difference in the rolls that are formed from the bark: Cassia cinnamon is cut into thicker slices of bark before it is formed into rolls.

The thinner and finer-leaved, the higher the probability that it is Ceylon cinnamon.

Basically you should use Ceylon cinnamon for consumption and only choose cassia cinnamon for decoration purposes and for scenting.

The latter contains considerable amounts of coumarin, which is toxic. After a test, the Stiftung Warentest warned of many cinnamon stars and other Christmas cookies, which, seasoned with the cheaper cassia cinnamon, contained up to 37 times higher coumarin values ​​than allowed!

So be sure to pay attention to which cinnamon you buy for consumption!

Drink turmeric

Golden Latte – an anti-inflammatory drink

This drink is good for ingesting a relatively large amount of turmeric in just a few sips. Instead of cow’s milk, you can also use plant-based milk, for example almond milk. You need:

  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • Ginger to taste
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 250ml milk

Carefully dissolve the turmeric powder in some milk, then stir in the rest of the milk, except for the honey.

Then heat the mixture and briefly boil it up. This is important to make the drink thick and creamy. After boiling, let it cool down a little and sweeten with honey.

Enjoy, stirring occasionally. Depending on how much ginger you have used, the spiciness of the ginger will also warm you up!

There will always be some sediment if you don’t stir before drinking. It is important that you drink the sediment as well in order to benefit from its benefits!


Spiced tea

If you don’t like milk or plant-based alternatives, you can also use the ingredients to make tea. Also an anti-inflammatory drink.

Use the same amounts as in the recipe for the “golden latte”, but only pour water over the ingredients in a cup. You don’t want tea to be creamy and thick. Here, too, it is important to consume the sediment too!

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