Aspirin And Yoghurt Face Mask To Lighten Skin Spots

This treatment must be used regularly and consistently to achieve the desired results.

Aspirin and yogurt face mask for lightening skin spots

In today’s article, we’re going to introduce you to an aspirin and yogurt mask that is very useful. Constant exposure to the sun and hormonal changes are the main causes of spots that affect the beauty of the skin.

There are various products on the market to protect the skin, but there are more and more “blemishes”, especially on the face, the treatment of which is often expensive and contains chemical substances that can cause negative reactions, especially in sensitive skin.

However, there are also inexpensive, homemade treatments available  to lighten skin spots and improve the complexion. An example of this is our aspirin and yogurt mask .

Try them out now!

Face mask with aspirin and yogurt to lighten skin spots

Face mask with aspirin and yoghurt to lighten stains

Aspirin is an inexpensive medicine that can be used to treat various skin problems, among other things.

The chemical composition of this drug, which is mostly used for headaches or as a preventive measure against a heart attack, also has various benefits for the health of the skin. 

The fat-soluble hydroxy acid it contains is used, for example, in various creams and peeling products.

This substance reduces stains, improves the healing process and also removes impurities on the surface of the skin.

Aspirin also contains salicylic acid, which has anti-inflammatory effects  and prevents skin aging. This can also be used to fight acne.

In combination with yoghurt you get a highly effective skin care product. Yogurt is characterized by antioxidants, probiotics, and  lactic acid. This can be used to regulate the pH value of the facial skin.  Dead skin cells are removed at the same time.

This home remedy repairs and whitens the skin. It is therefore highly recommended for spots and scars.

How can I make this mask with aspirin and yogurt for skin lightening?

How is the aspirin and yogurt face mask made?

You can prepare this inexpensive mask with aspirin and yogurt very quickly and easily.  This can also regulate sebum production. In addition, the mask is excellent for cleaning pores and reducing the effects of free radicals.


  • 6 aspirin
  • ¼ cup natural yogurt (50 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)


  • First, put the tablets in a mortar and grind them until a powder is formed.
  • Then pour the powder into a glass jar and mix it with the natural yoghurt and honey.
  • Once you have a creamy paste, you can use it.


  • Wear the mask in the evenings, right after you’ve removed the make-up and cleansed your face. Use it to cover any stained areas.
  • If you like, you can also apply the mask to your neck and décolleté in order to benefit from its anti-aging effect in these areas as well.
  • Then let the mask work for 20 minutes and remove the excess with lukewarm water.
  • Use gentle circular motions to help remove dead skin cells.
  • Finish the treatment with a moisturizer to intensify its effects.
  • Repeat the application at least three times a week. Don’t forget to put on sunscreen every day!

Do not forget…

Leave the aspirin and honey face mask on for 20 minutes
  • Normally there are no adverse reactions, but it is still advisable to test the mask on a small area of ​​skin  before applying it to the whole face. If it itchy or reddened, stop the treatment immediately.
  • The skin does not immediately lighten.  You need to be regular and consistent with the treatment.
  • Don’t forget to eat healthy and drink plenty of water.

Do you feel like trying the face mask? Follow the recommendations and see the benefits of this home remedy for yourself.

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