Back Tension: Causes And Remedies

If the tension is emotionally caused and occurs repeatedly, changes need to be made.

Back Tension: Causes and Remedies

Muscle and back tension in particular are among the most common ailments in today’s society. The reasons for this are sedentariness, hours of sitting at the computer or stress.

Emotional problems or organic illnesses can also cause back tension .

In this article we explain the reasons and meaning of the different types of tension and introduce you to some effective natural therapy options.

Tension is a permanent and unconscious contraction of the muscle or muscle tissue. The tense area can be swollen, causing pain and reducing mobility.

If we adopt a relieving posture, the pain can be intensified by incorrect posture.


Back tension is not only due to physical causes. The psyche often plays a major role: emotions are not expressed and therefore not always processed correctly.

It is said that every point of the contraction has a specific meaning, cause or problem:

  • Rhombus : anger
  • Trapezius : frustration or disability
  • Neck : increased sense of responsibility
  • Broad back muscle : fear
  • Lumbar muscle : frustration

If tension occurs sporadically and does not recur, there is no need to worry.

However, if these occur frequently and always in the same place, the situation should be analyzed with a doctor in order to find out the causes and to avoid them.

Organic causes

As we have already mentioned, tension can also have organic causes:  Inflammation of the organs near an affected muscle can cause this muscle to contract.

The most common phenomena are:

  • Kidneys : above the lumbar muscles
  • Liver and bile : Right middle side of the back, near the right trapezius
  • Stomach: Left middle side, near the left trapezius
  • Heart: neck
  • Lungs : Left trapezius

Ways to relieve back tension


This therapy method has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for a long time. Cupping glasses are placed on the skin in order to create a vacuum using certain techniques.

This opens the pores and stimulates the blood circulation.

This will reduce the swelling and relieve pain within 10-15 minutes. You can visit a therapist who will perform this therapy or you can buy a cupping set to do the therapy yourself at home.

There are even cupping sets that contain special cupping devices that are safe and very easy to use.

If you apply some sesame or almond oil to the area to be treated, you can massage it with the cupping glasses.

If there is inflammation or swelling, you will notice the area turn darker or red in color. It is quite possible that this will last for a few days.

However, relief occurs after a few minutes. You should also feel an improvement in the nearby organs.

Cupping against back tension


In this alternative form of therapy, sulfur bars are used. As sulfur absorbs the static electricity, a bar is brought closer to the area to be treated and a crackling sound can be heard.

The bar can split into two or more parts because it cannot withstand the force. When this happens, the ingot is no longer useful.

If the bar is still functional, i.e. does not break, it is immersed in cold water for two minutes and can then be used again.

This unusual type of treatment is mainly used in South America.


If you have muscle tension you should also pay attention to an adequate diet. It is important to avoid inflammatory foods and to consume more anti-inflammatory foods.

Recommended anti-inflammatory foods

  • Natural fruit and vegetable juices (carrots, beetroot, celery …)
  • Red pepper
  • Chia seeds
  • Walnuts
  • Green tea
  • ginger
  • pineapple
  • papaya
  • broccoli
Papaya is delicious and healthy

Inflammatory foods (which should be avoided)

  • Dairy products
  • Refined sugar
  • Red meat
  • Refined flours
  • Fried

Three tried and true remedies

  1. First, prepare two compresses, one with warm and one with cold water. Then place them alternately on the affected area. Massage the area with lukewarm sesame oil and take Boldo rosemary tea three times a day.
  2. First  cook ginger  and moisten a towel with the liquid. Then put a dry towel on the affected area and cover it with the towel that has been moistened with ginger stock. Then cover it with another dry towel and let it work for 5 minutes.
  3. Cook for a few minutes first kale leaves it to cool slightly and leave. Then place the leaves directly on the skin. Then cover the area with a towel and let the leaves sit for a few minutes.

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