Bake Cakes Without Flour, Sugar And Dairy Products

To reduce calories in the various recipes, you can use natural sweeteners instead of sugar. These include, for example, stevia, honey and agave syrup.

Bake cakes without flour, sugar and dairy products

It might sound incredible, but baking cakes without flour, sugar or dairy products is easy! In our article we will explain how to do it. You will be surprised how easy and delicious it is to bake cakes this way.

Why without flour?

There are a number of reasons why some people refrain from eating flour.

They may want to eat less carbohydrates, or they may be allergic to gluten, or they may just not be used to using this ingredient.

But you can still bake cakes!

Sugar cubes close up

Why without sugar?

A cake has to be sweet, otherwise it’s not a cake, that’s for sure. But it doesn’t always have to be a total sugar rush.

You can also use fruits or the natural sweeteners that are in them to make baking cakes a little healthier.

100 grams of sugar contain 410 calories. That’s about two-thirds of a whole meal! But since 100 grams of sugar are usually not enough for a cake, it makes sense to find an alternative.

But one must also bear in mind that sugar is a preservative. So cakes without sugar don’t last very long.

Be careful with the honey too. If you use honey instead of sugar, you have to know that it also contains a lot of sugar. Bee honey consists mainly of fructose, glucose and water.

This is why its calorie content is also similar to that of sugar: 100 grams contain 285 calories, only 125 calories less than sugar. However, if you factor in the water content, you will notice that honey is less sweet than sugar and therefore you have to use more.

Many believe that it is healthier to sweeten with honey because it contains vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Unfortunately , the majority of these ingredients destroy themselves at temperatures above 40ºC. So it is absurd to bake with honey instead of sugar for health reasons.

Honey flows into a bowl

Bake sugar substitutes for cakes

Animal experiments have shown that almost all artificial sweeteners are carcinogenic. There are a few exceptions, however.

Stevia is a plant that is used for sweetening. People in South America and Southeast Asia particularly enjoy using them. There is also xylitol or agave juice to sweeten food.


Why without dairy products?

Dairy products can cause allergies. Lactose intolerance is particularly common . There are more and more vegans and, of course, they don’t forego baking cakes.


chocolate cake

chocolate cake


  • 500 grams of cooked chickpeas
  • 1 cup of pure cocoa powder
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 spoons of stevia
  • 1 spoon of baking powder
  • 2 handfuls of chopped nuts
  • Cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, orange peel


  • First puree the chickpeas and mix them with the eggs to form a creamy batter.
  • Then add the stevia to sweeten it.
  • Now you add the baking powder and the cocoa powder and stir them all well.
  • Then add the remaining ingredients and spices.
  • Finally, bake the cake for 40 minutes at 180ºC.


  • 500 grams of soft tofu
  • 1 egg
  • 1 packet of cake powder (or cream powder)
  • 60-70 grams of stevia granules
  • 5000 ml almond milk
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • Grated organic lemon peel


  • First, make an almond milk pudding. Follow the instructions on the packet and let it cool down afterwards.
  • Mix all the remaining ingredients into a quark and slowly add it to the pudding.
  • Then put the quark in a silicone mold and bake it at 180ºC for 55-60 minutes.
  • Depending on the season, you can also add fruit to the batter.

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