Be Kind Without Asking Who It Is

Kindness does not seek recognition. People who act kindly according to their principles feel satisfied with themselves and with those around them; their goal is not to be praised.

Be kind without asking who it is

Being kind is a gift that everyone should practice. It arises directly from the heart and determines how one reacts in various negative or complicated situations.

We all know difficult and fearful times when it would be easier to react selfishly or perhaps to respond with pride.

But the point is to voluntarily show kindness and act accordingly.

To be good does not mean to be naively manipulated by others. Those who are good at heart are also true to their values.

But there are also differences in kind people that are interesting to analyze. Today we invite you to think about it with us.

Kindness always makes us doubt our actions

Rick Hanson is a well-known neuropsychologist from the University of Berkeley (USA), who also writes interesting books, such as  “Thinking like a Buddha: Calmness and inner strength through mindfulness – How we positively change our brain.”

The author’s experience in researching human goodness and happiness is that good-hearted people constantly question their actions.

  • They fear that they have not conveyed their words correctly, worry about whether they have been able to help or have achieved positive and correct results.
  • Sometimes  good-natured people care too much about past mistakes. 
  • They question the things they do as they are very self-demanding, which can sometimes also cause distress.

    Dr. Hanson notes that while these people are seen as role models by others because they act authentically and show affection, they always think of themselves that they can give more of themselves.

    That is why it is important to think about this topic.

    be kind and look at the landscape by the sea

    When anger arises … calm is required

    Good-natured people also get angry and no doubt also feel anger, anger, and resentment. We are all human and are sensitive to injustice or selfishness.

    • What one should keep in mind about kindness, however, is that when angry or angry, it is  better to maintain emotional control. 
    • Good-natured people are very strict with themselves and carefully weigh the pros and cons, they think of the consequences that various actions can bring, and aim in particular for the general good, never contempt or violence.
    • Kind-hearted people  believe in justice, but not in the punitive, but in the democratic and constructive. Therefore, despite anger, they always stay calm and try to act in a way that everyone benefits.

    Being kind is a way of finding harmony in life

    At the heart of kindness are respect, reciprocity, the need to care for the common good, balance and inner peace, and the intention to respect one’s own values ​​in all actions.

    It is not easy to be kind without wondering who it is,  because sometimes you see very unpleasant behaviors. However, kind-hearted people choose to always stay on the good side and be in tune with themselves.

    In this way one can find outer and inner harmony.

    Doing good requires acknowledging it

    We come back to Dr. Back Hanson: Good people don’t see themselves as such, because they question a lot of the things they do and sometimes sit around for too long on past mistakes.

    Family is kind and looks at the starry sky

    So it’s worth thinking of these simple ideas:

    You have strong principles and values ​​that guide all of your actions. Whatever you do for someone, think about the plot for a few minutes.

    • For example, a friend has a problem at home or with a partner. You suggest that she can think about it with you for a few days so that she can relax and make a decision more easily.
    • After this time with you, she thanks you for your support and tells you how important you are in her life. For her you symbolize an important pillar, without which she would not know what to do.

    Think about it and enjoy this bond, because after all, this is what counts: building relationships with others  to always show the best of ourselves and promote the common good.

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