Black Seed And Its Healing Powers

If you are under medical treatment, you should discuss with your doctor whether you can consume black seed in order to avoid side effects.

Black cumin and its healing powers

Nigella sativa,  or black cumin, is an annual herb that grows 20-90 cm. Its flowers are usually delicate and have a wide variety of colors – from white to yellow, pink, blue to purple.

Black cumin seeds

Many indigenous cultures have used this plant  for religious and medicinal traditions around the world since ancient times.  This is due to their wide range of properties.

Black cumin  is native to southern Europe, North Africa, and southwest Asia.

However, it is grown in several countries around the world, such as India, Syria, Pakistan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, southern European and Mediterranean countries.

Both its seeds and oil have a long folkloric history. The  earliest records of cultivation and use lead us to Egypt,  to the tomb of ancient Pharaoh Tutankhamun, who lived over 3,300 years ago.

What is black cumin used for?

Black seed helps with asthma

Traditionally, black cumin has been used to treat various diseases and ailments related to the respiratory, immune, digestive or cardiovascular systems, among others.

For example, in the Hindu and Arab cultures,  black cumin and the oil made from it were used for food and medicine.  In the countries of Southeast Asia and the Middle East, it was used to  treat diseases such as rheumatism, inflammatory diseases, bronchitis and asthma.

How can you use black seed?

You can use black seed in many ways:

Let it swell

The active ingredients are extracted from the seeds through this process.

  • This application is suitable for treating  indigestion, loss of appetite, diarrhea, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, dropsy and rashes.


Black cumin oil

The oil acts as  an antiseptic and analgesic.


Eating the toasted seeds of  Nigella Sativa  is useful  in stopping vomiting.

The properties of black cumin

Nigella sativa  is one of the best studied medicinal plants in recent years. Because of this, there are many research results on the properties of this plant.

Numerous scientific  studies show that a balanced consumption can help improve your health.

  • One of the most important healing substances in the seeds is thymoquinone – the most important bioactive component of the essential oil.
  • The seeds also contain alpha hederina. This is a water-soluble substance that acts as a potential  anti-cancer  agent.

In addition to proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber, Nigella Sativa  seeds contain  a large amount of various vitamins and minerals. These include potassium, zinc and iron, among others.

These seeds also contain  unsaturated acids, mainly linoleic acid (50 to 60%) and oleic acid (20%).  And saturated fatty acids are also contained to a lesser extent (30% or less).

Here are some pharmacological effects:

  • Antidiabetic drug
  • Antimicrobial
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antispasmodic
  • Bronchodilator
  • Liver-protective
  • Gastric protective


As you may have noticed, black seed has amazing nutritional potential and many medicinal properties.

However, it is important to note that  some side effects can also occur,  although there are usually great benefits to consuming black seed.


Black cumin is prohibited during pregnancy

Consumption of black cumin is prohibited during pregnancy because  the herb can affect normal uterine contractions.

Allergic reaction

In some cases, the use of black cumin seeds can cause anaphylaxis. This is  an  allergic reaction that causes inflammation of the airways.

The allergic reaction can also occur in some parts of the face, such as the lips, tongue, and mouth. Typically the reaction occurs together with nettle rash, dizziness, nausea, etc.

This condition is fatal if not treated immediately.  Because of this, you need to be careful when consuming black seed.

Negative interactions

Because of its antioxidant properties, black seed can  reduce the effectiveness of normal cancer treatments and medications.  This includes radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

In these cases, you need to consult with a specialist before consuming it.


Black seed can cause dermatitis

In some cases, touching the seed can lead to a  rash and itchy skin.  But it can also lead to blistering, pain or sensitivity in this area.

Antihypertensive effect

Another property of semen is that it lowers blood pressure and increases breathing.

Therefore, black cumin seeds are not recommended for people with low blood pressure. Eventually  , its consumption could worsen the effects of  hypotension  ,  cause shock from sudden blood loss, cause severe infection, or even cause a heart attack.

In summary, it can be said that black cumin can work wonderfully. However, you shouldn’t forget that  too much of a good thing is bad for your health.

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